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Troy last won the day on November 20 2021

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About Troy

  • Birthday 06/20/2001


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    Garry's Mod


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  1. Anybody can do what the drug dealer can, maybe allow them to buy drugs at a higher price from the ent shop but defaulted at highest price so the only profit margin is dependent on their selling ability (to other players)? Idk, the drug dealer job should do something again.
  2. A talisman that you can pick any name you want and it lasts the whole day but you will still keep your name name
  3. The ghost would be able to "possess" somebody's prop, which would be funny as heck. Give it a cooldown though, just like the disguise swep. Paranormal investigator uses a lame ghostbusters photon pack thing and absorbs the ghost out of the prop to then KOS it. Ghosts can KOS paranormal investigators using possess, which also lets them overwhelm a player's mind if used enough. I've been wanting this job for a while now, but I thought I'd make it more official (again). Just a simple KOS to KOS faction and the ghost spends their time haunting house props of innocent players while the investigators can spend their time hunting them down using some detecting tool (EMF or something). PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE?
  4. Troy

    AI (job)

    Attaches to a player and cannot interact with anybody. Cannot Raid, cannot detach until the player is dead, cannot noclip but can fly around like the bird job until they can attach to a player. Upon attempting to attach, the player is prompted if they'd accept an AI to assist them. Since this is a useless or weird job, I recommend having a high count of available slots. Again, the job is not material, but flies around looking for people to attach to. Upon attaching to a player, they can see first or third person of whoever they are attached to and can administer hp or armor with a cooldown. Maybe other temporary buffs like speed or damage? I thought it was cool.
  5. Troy

    Tinyman (job)

    It doesn't make much of a difference but it's still there
  6. Troy

    Tinyman (job)

    I thought of that and It would be great if only vip could access it. Though this wouldn't entirely limit things, there is only so much damage this tinyman could do. 5 damage max would be fantastic.
  7. To be more invisible or colored more transparent. I know this can be op, but what's the point of having "stealth camo" if it's not stealthy? What if you stand still for 30 seconds? then invisible???
  8. Troy

    Tinyman (job)

    I want them to be extremely small, smaller than 0.5. I'm thinking 0.1 and it should be a vip job to prevent slight abuse. But they should be exempt from weapons because they are too tiny. There should be a max of 5, and tiny fists that do 5 damage. Description: The tiny man builds tiny villages and thrives off of governing surroundings. Basically a tiny hobo.
  9. Troy

    Hacker Update

    I am a watch dogs nerd, guilty as charged. But... The ability to hack camera fov and look around with it Hacker stations for faster recharge (must be in own base) Area multi-hack (random hack selection in area and drains all power) Hack buttons and keypads through the wall (I though about it and there's technically no consequences) but maybe make it cost more Hack cop body cam (look through the eyes of a police officer) Pretty much any surveillance stuff is kinda niche and sexy Scramble text signs unless they say building on them Upgrade alarm to popo alarm option Downgrade to regular alarm Plantable camera to hack or have access to Hack fading doors directly More hacking power (overcharge) but maybe make it hard to get The ability to hop camera to camera to hackable entity, and make all cameras destructible by bullets (to avoid abusing this) If anybody is actually considering this suggestion, I recommend giving the watch dogs phone addons a try and fetching ideas that way
  10. 75k to 300k seems tiny to me maybe 100k to 500k in a 24 hour period seems more tuned?
  11. Troy


    Craftable Landmines Non Lethal Mine Trip Wire Cage Trap (destructible) Poison Mist Trap Client Side Darkness Trap? Rigged Keypad (triggers trap) Buff to the tranq m9
  12. I feel more needs to be added on the court system, maybe something similar to an unarresting stick but instead a court stick, making them attend court? It would take a lot of code but I always felt that the judge gabe job was missing something.
  13. I feel it's missing. Writable books to publish and sell, mics to transmit to a tunable channel, other various types of media to be added?
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