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unseen birb


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by unseen birb

  1. dam tried relogging it let me reclaim it but still no reward odd
  2. i didnt get anthing after completing the quest escape from jail 2 times i was suppose to get 106 suga from doing it i have the quest claimed and a screen shot of it claimed um idk what else to say https://ibb.co/sgwLwTT <-- the screen shot image
  3. (d3/au-1) (awp50) (dragunov suv) (m82 barret) to name a few of the guns id like too use
  4. idk if its just me having bad luck or what but pretty much every sniper i try the scope dosent zoom in which kind of defeats the point of having a sniper i know not alot of people probly use them that much but still i just find it dumb
  5. my favorite is probably nerds because im a fat and like there sweet and tarty flavor if i keep it up ill die at the age 38 <3
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