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David Davidson



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    David Davidson

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  1. Yeah sorry, this forum is frustrating to use and I didnt want to lose everything I wrote
  2. Sorrry for the reply in the quote but I apprently can't copy and paste on this forum which is great!
  3. I understand that but it's still a roleplay server and there isn't any specific or relevant rule against it. I'm sure there's some sort of monthly admin/moderator meeting where it can be brought up and it can be decided if the rules need to be updated to include it.
  4. Police take people in and book them at the police station IRL. It's just roleplay and this is a roleplay server so it seems like it should be allowed. I just need clarification from the mods
  5. Can CP cuff players with bounties/fines/breaking laws and drag them to the PD to pay their fine/bounty? If the mayor makes this a law, is it allowed? The rules are kind of vague on this. Thanks friends.
  6. Staff don't always answer sits, especially during off hours. This happened to me in game just now, which is why I remembered I had this thread going. I just don't see the justification for them when they're either used by trolls who lob every one they have in to a crowd, or noobs who apparently can't kidnap or raid without them. Outside of these two groups, it looks like we all agree that they're cancer enough to call for a sunglasses function for the server. So just take it one step further and get rid of them because they're more harm than good.
  7. Only available to moderators but thanks. Care to explain? They're seriously cancer grenades
  8. 99.999% of the time they're used to troll crowds. They're like 20 seconds of eye rape and there's no way to track who threw them in logs
  9. Sure. You can kill kidnappers if they swing a baton near literally anyone else. You dont have to be RP related to the target/victim, you can pretty much just gun and chase the kidnapper down even if they didnt actually hit anyone with the baton. So why shouldn't I be able to stop muggings in progress?
  10. So you quit being a mod?

  11. Even if I am not RP related to someone, I should be able to kill someone mugging, shooting (hitman/bounty hunter), kissing, etc to them. Thoughts?
  12. The server only exists because of players. You mods like to think you're holding the world on your shoulders. I wouldn't be on the server if I didn't enjoy it. Rather than insult me and miss the point entirely maybe you should think about why you choose to spend your time on the server. I've been staff on lots of servers over the years, and I always find interrupting your own gameplay to go police some low level rule breakers every 5 minutes is a good way to ruin the fun. This happens to most mods and they all quit after a month or two. The only ones who stay longterm don't even play the game anymore, they just enjoy throwing what little power they have around and sitting in circlejerks with other mods and a few power users. So again, ask yourself why you choose to spend your time here. Are you really here to enjoy the game? Or is your idea of enjoying the game fun-policing everyone else?
  13. Had I not been banned for a full month (appeal denied) I would still be putting in those kinds of hours. I broke the habit, and now there's one less player who is obsessively online, trying to make fun things for other players to enjoy, like my PD and public bathrooms I still enjoy the server, don't get me wrong. but I'm usually playing somewhere else now so maybe such a harsh ban wasnt necessary.
  14. Title. It's not my addons and I've tried everything except a gmod factory reset but i want to avoid that so I dont have to download everything from every server all over again They sound like they're from HL1 or something
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