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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by FedoraWearingScrubLord

  1. Highly disagree. Many staff members, Dindu for example, are very professional and squash any sort of drama. No questions asked I am not saying every staff is just starting shit but I am saying at least from my perspective and a few others that some staff members aren't fit for that role. Whoever Dindu may or may not be I dont care but what I do care about is whether or not they are performing correctly at least as a staff member. Obviously you guys have your opinions about the staff team and so do I. I dont know what you mean by "my way" care to explain? If you are regarding the sit I was in with you I dont know how it could have gone my way in any circumstance. It could have been handled better but legit I have been contemplating making a similar thread for a while dont feel special.
  2. I know that my opinion overall probably means nothing to a lot of you or if not the majority of you but I figured why not make some what of a suggestion or in general thread that addresses some issues on the server. This mainly revolves around the current staff team and the issues or "beef" within it. Now I have not personally joined the server as of recently. But after my resignation post and my official good bye I did hop on here and there to see whats up. The staff team is in ruins. Constant fighting and arguing is an apparent issue. I am not the only one that thinks this there are others who may or may not be staff on the server as well that can also agree with my statements. Personally when I was around back in the prime of TitsRP the staff were older and mature less capable and likely of arguing and starting shit between each other matter of fact we acted like one family. Again it is apparent that this is not the case currently on TitsRP. Obviously I am not saying that ALL staff are involved in these issues but its noticeable that a majority are. Now there are a lot of things that can solve this issue. Such as a complete wipe or run through of the current staff members on the server wiping/removing those that are inactive,immature,irresponsible, etc. But to cut off the toxicity that is always present in a Gmod community we can start by placing an age requirement on the staff apps. Personally I think it would be wise that way we are ONLY getting mature and responsible staff members in our staff team. Now some may disagree saying that there are mature players below whatever the age requirement may become but understand if that is the case they can more than likely work something out with a higher up such as some of the admins+ on the server. Again I dont think that what I say is going to be taken seriously but I think overall if this were to be put into affect on this server we would have a more productive staff team on our server. I remember in the old days where even a slight bit of drama or toxicity resulted in demotions or some type of punishment. But regardless of the old days that time has passed we need to focus on now and whether or not we will have a stable staff team because tbh that is what keeps order on the server 24/7. I hope some people understand where I am coming from and understand the situation that is currently going on right now. If Sugar somehow sees this and doesn't think I am an idiot. Well shit might as well unban me from discord am I right? Feel free to comment on this thread if you feel that you have something beneficial to say. Keep the shitpost off of this thread and please no drama or any type of arguments I personally just want this to be a civil discussion/suggestion that people will actually take into account for.
  3. Why are you still commenting here lol What do you mean?
  4. Any loopholes used can result in a kick or even a ban. You are meant to use common sense. You not using it is stupid and of course you can be punished for it. As of now the rules are fine as is.
  5. Alright so a lot of you probably don't know me unless you have been apart of the server for a while. But I am a mod or at least now used to be a mod on the server. Due to my inactivity and my lack of participation I have decided to resign as staff. I have found a new server/past time that I am dedicated to and love playing. Its not that I hate titsrp but its just not something I am into anymore. I love Sugar and I love all the staff members but after a while it just isn't appealing anymore. Im sorry everyone but this is it I loved playing with you all and it was a fucking blast. Going all the way to the day I joined its been a great experience for me. Whether it was texashockey typing really offensive things to me or blacnova owning a hotel it was always fun and enjoyable. I won't be gone forever I may visit the forums and post some things or join the server and mess around but don't think I am gone forever. I always have checked the forums daily for anything that might change my mind. To be honest the only reason why it isnt appealing is because of the massive amount of time I dedicated to the server. Legit I was one of the richest people at one point ( had 50mil) and one of the most OP/expensive custom classes and sweps/weps. I have done it all guys whether it be kill a teletubby or printer farm with over 40 printers I have done it. But like I said before it has been a fucking blast but this is my goodbye.
  6. Wants evil melon but their computers prob can't even run it.... Their 50fps rn is gonna drop to 10 :)
  7. tbh he was on for fucking 40minutes.....doing the same shit over and over again. But then again if no one makes a report then its like it never happened. But still this shouldn't have happened.
  8. This has been a thing on the server for a while and it really isnt a big deal since almost no one bases anyway and even if someone does they either get raided easily or no one bothers to raid them in the first place. But to be honest there really is no issue with this. Raiding is meant to be more sided towards the defenders because they know the layout of their base, they are prepared, and they can hold them in chokepoints. But if Sugar sees a issue with this I guess we could get rid of those as well. First blackout bases now this? ;((((((
  9. I love how everyone who doesn't support a map change or won't give a valid reason besides the past are the people that ride Sugar's dick. It's cute tho but it won't get you anywhere.
  10. Yeah this happens its not a huge deal I think most people dont know about this since the loads e money swep is so rare but I think you have to invholster it to fix it or respawn but I am not to sure.
  11. I would say until a admin+ steps in consider it to be under common sense and that it violates rules that have been addressed and if they still continue to do it kick them and if they do it even after the kick figure something out.
  12. I think we need to revise some of the rules for basing and some of the job rules. I am bringing this up mainly because there is a entire thread on it and it can be crippling to new players and old as well. Ex: Preacher Also I think money making methods should be buffed since well in my opinion there is no effective way to make money and as a result no one farms money which means no one bases. So either the money printers need to be buffed a ton to the point where it is worth printing or bring in the old printers(multi, auto, and cheap) Also buff drug farming since atm 100lbs could get you practically nothing at least compared to the amount of time and money you spent planting them and watching them (I know I might get a shit ton of hate by those that ride Sugar's dick) I think over the course of a few months maybe even just one we should bump up the playerslots to 80 or maybe 90 and if we can max out we should consider a map change to a different map since, in my opinion, this map has gone stale, old, and incredibly cramped as it is now. I understand if you would not want to do this Sugar but I think this could satisfy a lot of people who may or may not be bored with the current map. Also with a map change it would possibly bring more job opportunities, activities, and possibly even new entities. Example of a Map: Evilmelon Examples of Jobs: Some sort of sewer monster(s) that kos all who go inside but are kos by all when on the surface Sewer Monster Hunter: Hunts down and koses all sewer monsters no matter where they are Oil Miner/Ore Miner: Mines for oil/ores Examples of activities(this kinda goes under jobs but what the heck) Oil Mining,Ore Mining, and anything else anyone can think of Examples of entities(can be associated with jobs) Oil miner/Ore miner, job exclusive items/weapons/tools, etc I am aware that some of these things are technically already here or at least you can do some of these things without the job but it would be nice to have it be specific to a certain job rather than everyone being able to perform the action.
  13. This is my opinion atm. The preacher can skybase however it should be open to the public and there must be some sort of way to get inside it without being dropped to your death now its not really fda if he has a button or thats at least what I have been told ever since I asked for a clarification on the topic way back when I was a T-Mod. I assume that these people have raidables in these skybases and therefore should be a way to access them without multiple people and without special sweps/tools. I believe from now on and until sugar sees this we can consider this as fda and list it as a common sense rule until it is implemented into the rules. Like I said, however, this is just my opinion and I can tell that this might anger people atm. Now a Recap of everything I just said: 1. Skybases should be public if owned by a preacher since if it was a rp situation someone who spreads good and otherthings would want everyone to hear and wouldn't want his reputation to be ruined by crimes 2. There should be no reason as to why you have a drawbridge system in a skybase because it can cause fda as well as RDM if in the right situation 3. Skybases should be accessible by anyone even the newest player on the server and should not require special tools nor multiple people 4. This should be implemented into the rules as soon as possible or if a higher up steps in list this under common sense for the time being so then other similar events occur AND OF COURSE THIS IS JUST MY OPINION DONT THINK THIS IS HOW THINGS ARE OR WILL BE THIS CAN ONLY OCCUR IF A HIGHER UP STEPS IN
  14. By the way admeme did have powers at one point and sirlepepe was the best admeme I say Sirlepepe for admeme 2016 tbh
  16. You may have done something that may have annoyed the head-admins or maybe sugar himself which lead to you getting banned. I don't think they would have banned you for no reason at all.
  17. Why would you pocket 40mil? sAlso there is no way you could have gotten a custom wep unless you had a custom class which normally doesn't get wiped.
  18. Usually this does happen but if you pay for tmod we assume that you know what to do and if you dont ask for help its mainly your fault us mods and higher are here to help each other and if you fail to ask questions or for help you are hurting yourself. However, I do think its a good idea to possibly interview/mentor the paid tmods for the future since the past few have had no idea as to how to be staff and some dont know how to control their outbursts and also maintain a serious posture in a sit. With all of this in mind we can look back at past "Paid-mins" and say that most of them were kinda bad well not kinda bad. REALLY BAD. But some are good. I for one paid for tmod and I showed my worth to the community and its staff members. If you guys could check how many staff said yes for me to become mod well almost the whole staff team said yes but thats besides the point. The fact of the matter is that we should keep a closer eye on our newly promoted players so then we can determine if they truly are mod potential or even admin potential. So I would say this is a good idea since I dont really see this being practiced at the moment and it would be a interesting experience for both the newly promoted and the mod/admin.
  19. I bought T-Mod and I thought I was pretty good. But thats just me but I do think that the paid T-Mods should be watched a bit more than other staff just because of the fact that they are unpredictable and could cause problems. An example of this was Wolf God and Cooperr. All they did was claim sits about them and usually banned them for a reason they did not commit or just something stupid like that.
  20. Sugar can't fix this you have to delete that file and hope that it gets fixed for next reset. It may be another file though so you better hope its only that is corrupt. I have had this problem before and deleting that file should lead to your duplicator being fixed for next reset.
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