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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by chud

  1. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
  2. hey, just saw your reaction on my post. hope you're doing well. don't frede out man

  3. maybe an sl8 reskin would be cool on like a cartoon gun
  4. should've been high priority btw
  5. just dont frede out bro
  6. chud


    dude is NOT beating the allegations
  7. my dad asked me to cut the garnival stuff out when im around family because its not appropriate
  8. chud

    Chud Giveaway

    Winner is @Annex! Congrats! Rubik already has the $30 for your item!
  9. did you happen to hit e on a lootbox
  10. chud

    Chud Giveaway

    shii just on the computer u wanna talk in dms?
  11. chud

    Chud Giveaway

    back off dude
  12. chud

    Chud Giveaway

    u cant play ow but u can reply to a giveaway
  13. chud

    Hi :3

    ok you just seemed super hostile in your reply, it made me feel weird
  14. chud

    Chud Giveaway

    I am giving away a $30 in cc credit! Must have a forums account older than a month! If you win this giveaway i will pay for whatever $30 cc item you want to be added! EDIT: forgot to mention this, reply to join the giveaway
  15. chud

    Hi :3

    who is yall i was just making a joke, no reason to freak out on me LOL
  16. chud

    Hi :3

    it probably looks the same because it's not on the server yet, just a guess
  17. chud

    Hi :3

    looks like the new chatbox will be a big hit
  18. there's just no reason rubik should have to explain himself over non existent issues
  19. I think the things you're saying come from a position of paranoia. crazy how the staff that were "working their asses off for no appreciation" only come on tits platforms to start drama recently.
  20. guys i will make a poll then make a second one for only my friends so when my poll says things i dont like i can have a 2nd one that enforces what i think
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