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Lewdtastic last won the day on August 30 2021

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  1. Do not silence us, the option for both needs to be here, god damn liberal.
  2. Epic Rarity Minecraft Mushroom Cow, Forces plants in a small radius to grow 15% every 10 minutes(Cool down needs to be reduced honestly.)
  3. Another thing to take into the thought is that this isn't 2007 or 2010 anymore, the cod lobbies were fun and all but even then it was still toxic, we don't want toxicity in our community that's the whole point of those rules.
  4. I've tried to understand this to the best of my ability, but the thought of getting rid of the rules for harassment, toxicity and player targeting doesn't really make a lick of sense. Also the whole process of "They didn't have masculine friends" isn't necessarily the proper response to people who get bullied based off appearance or the way they sound stuff like that. Lots of people don't tend to be very social and even when they do try to be social, they get casted out pretty quickly, my point here, is that removing those rules would not make the server better, in fact I can guarantee that within the first hour of those rules being removed, toxicity would increase to the point where the words "Kys" aren't a "joke" anymore. Those rules are put in place so that people aren't bullying or harassing other players, which to this day is still a big issue. I've witnessed a few players target others just because it was "funny" or "They are something I don't like"
  5. Hey what's up! Yea I believe your name is Chad Horse correct? I did say I was gonna give you the Riot Gear Model as compensation, I completely got side tracked after you asked and I'll give you Tagilla and the Riot Gear model for free next time I see you, I'm really sorry about this!
  6. Hotline is a gang that's very chill and is meant to be a group with people who don't really care to much about pvp and like to have fun, you are not expected to be good at pvp or be good at anything really, just don't be a dunce or go against guidelines, upon joining the group you just have to abide by a couple of rules listed down below. 1. Racism is not tolerated, don't be an idiot and try to loophole either, be a decent human being. 2. While a bit of toxicity is allowed don't make a massive scene, drama is annoying and we aren't that type of group. 3. If you have beef with a rival gang, let it go, we're just here to chill at the end of the day. 4. We are family at this point, if you have some issues with another gang member, bring it to a Officer or higher so that we may settle it properly. 5. No and I mean absolutely no jokes of pedophilic nature or hints to that sort of stuff, any joke of this will result in an instant ban from the gang. As an added bonus to joining Hotline, you will be able to use the Gang CC which has a rare model known as Killa, this means you get a rare model! (not really) Just remember that at the end of the day, we are just here to have fun, make jokes and laugh, hopefully you will consider joining and have a good day!
  7. In-game name: Lewdtastic SteamID: STEAM_0:1:93170943 Something fun you'll be doing during Summer: Going to Reno, Nevada to gamble, party and have a good time.
  8. Lewdtastic

    Gang CC

    My Gang recently got to level 70, Gang Cc pls! Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:93170943 Gang: Hotline
  9. Moving this to the appropriate thread
  10. There should be a leaderboard that is just "Most gems or Rare oak used to craft" because getting Oak and Gems is pretty hard as is. +1
  11. I personally think this isn't needed tbh, the entity stays for 4 hours if I'm correct and that should you give you more than enough time to farm off their stuff. -1
  12. Honestly I don't think we need this in, there is a Gang Perk that forces a player to drop x3 the amount of cash that a mug would usually drop, maybe if the player is new then give them a multiplier to help them out but, really not needed. -1
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