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About CyanFlyer

  • Birthday 07/28/2002


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    GMod... obviously


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  1. u forgot CyanFlyer. That guy is really cool and important!
  2. I mean... I do? You can get way for than fish from it. It gives super rare items sometimes like middle-finger SWEPs and manhack guns. both of which are worth like 10M give or take and theres plenty of other rare items/weapons worth millions you can get aswell from fishing. I've made more money from fishing in some days than I do from leeching of jewann's procs.
  3. I mean the beach is already empty most of the time. So making something like this wouldn't change that anyway. If anything it might help people realize that fishing is also a good source of income and then new players who cant afford the token/item might feel compelled to fish at the beach.
  4. you should let me in ur gang bc we're buddies :0 uwu
  5. that would also be a good idea for it if they cannot find a way to make some sort of spawnable water.
  6. Ok so, hear me out. I know we already have a lot of tokens for other XP farming methods, but one that we don't have that I think would actually be really cool and useful is a fishing token. This token could spawn a small pool with water for people to fish in from inside their base. If this were added it could help make fishing a more viable source of DarkRP. Since most people don't like to fish because basing is a much better way to make money having a token like this would be very cool because it would give people like me who like to fish the ability to fish from inside a base with friends. I'd love to hear some feedback on this, I've brought it up a couple times in OOC and a lot of people also seem to think its a cool idea.
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