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A Heart of Sin


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by A Heart of Sin

  1. Just a small command that throws a shoe towards whoever/whatever. local function ThrowShoe( Ply, Args ) -- // Run checks here if !Ply:Alive() then return end if Ply.ShoeThrowDelay && Ply.ShoeThrowDelay >= CurTime() then return end -- // Prevent stopping the player during velocity and from getting stuck if spawned underneath themselves if Ply:EyeAngles().p > 60 then return end local Shoe = ents.Create( "prop_physics" ) Shoe:SetModel( "models/props_junk/shoe001a.mdl" ) -- // Make sure it does not get stuck on the player when throwing by pushing it forward Shoe:SetPos( Ply:EyePos() + ( Ply:GetAimVector() * 35 ) ) Shoe:SetAngles( Ply:GetAngles() ) Shoe:Spawn() Shoe:SetCollisionGroup( 4 ) Ply.ShoeThrowDelay = CurTime() + 3 local Phys = Shoe:GetPhysicsObject() if IsValid( Phys ) then Phys:SetVelocity( Ply:GetAimVector() * 650 ) end -- // Delete shoe after a few seconds. timer.Simple( 5, function() if !IsValid( Shoe ) then return end Shoe:Remove() end) end -- // Replace with whatever chat function the server uses. ChatCommand.Add( "/shoe", ThrowShoe )
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