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Original Cake


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  1. Im sorry is this not a suggestion forum.. is everyone in here "complaining"? Get 4 friends and you are a 5 man. People like to play together and not alone. Everything there is you can grind for and anyone can get. Hard work pays off lolol Its not very hard when theres 5 of you
  2. says the guy banned for 30 days for propsurfing.. omega Whos saying darkrp servers cant be fair...?
  3. For the past month I've been playing TitsRP and its been fun- most of the time. When I hop into a server I expect to have fair experience, trying to gun down 5 players cracked out of their mind on potions and talismans isn't very fair. The talismans and potions wouldn't be much of an issue either if it wasn't the fact that its the same 5 people everyday doing the exact same thing. I just don't see the point in hopping on server anymore with these players because there truly is no fun in trying to defend a single printer and processor against these 5 people. I made this for not only newer players but the average player as well who cant hit a fucked up player model at mach speed(while they're also invisible). My personal suggestion would be to reduce the size of allowable raid groups or limit the talismans and potions, its just getting a bit ridiculous when there's only one base on the server dominating everything and its not even because of skill.
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