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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by �Bob�

  1. Well rip 





    hes the flash teletubbie this m9 needs to be fast also give me the swep m9


    its someones custom swep and it honestly doesnt disrupt the way of gameplay at all

    mainly bc you guys dont abuse it and are never on

  2. sorry president, its word against word. there need to be adverts for mug and raid.

    A couple things, please bring back adverted mugs, was killed today for literally no reason and all the guy said for his response was "Oh I was mugging you". This shit is bullshit (excuse my language) but honestly if he would've adverted mug I would be on my way. Also please make it so that people in a sit should be allowed to bring witnesses, Bobo brought me to a sit and I told him multiple times to bring a witness you saw everything and even defended me against this guy through OOC, but Bobo refused to bring him, quite frankly that is bullshit. I had proof against this guy that he rdmed me rather than mug me, yet this rdmer got off scott-free. Absolutely ridiculous.

  3. DO NOT ADD BACK C4 AND SHIT TO CUSTOM CLASSES. Make it something you can buy from the bmd or supplier. A rpg would cost around 650-700k and would have three shots, basically be a c4 you shoot.

    Also it should be made that if you have a c4 or a rpg ( if you add it) out it would be considered a terroist action (100k fine). The c4 needs a different world model as well. do some giveaways. free vip for a few  people

  4. -Snip-


    Yes, why else would cops have access to the bounty list? Just to look at it and say "Daaaaaaaamn this guy has a fucking huge bounty, glad i'm not that guy!"


    As a cop you can see who they killed, when they killed them and if they raided the PD. If you kill someone in self defense, you call the cops and tell them "Hey, this guy just tried to raid me, I killed him in the process, can you reset my bounty so the bounty hunter doesn't come and kill me"


    Or even "Hey, this guy just tried to raid me, I killed him in the process, can you reset my bounty so you guys don't try to arrest / fine me"


    -1 to kill myself


    I guess this gives a reason for cops to raid people's houses


    also makes being a pd more fun.

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