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�� It's Ya Boi Green ��


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by �� It's Ya Boi Green ��

  1. Hi, I have no life and was basing for 3 weeks straight when I noticed a lot of problems with the hitboxes of certain entities like plots and drug processors. The hitbox for the plots go through the wall and every time you try to own the plot you are looking at, you own all the others around it before you can own the plot you actually want to own. Drug processors have extra height to the top of them for some reason, which makes it harder to keep it organized and/or put drugs in them from time to time. It's been pretty annoying trying to keep all of these entities nice and neat whenever they have a big ass hitbox to fuck them over with. Also bitminers are so hard to keep organized too, because if you put them next to each other, they sometimes rub against each other and freak out and mess up your whole bitminers. Honestly, just fix these hitboxes and I'll love you forever.

  2. I agree with this. I used to be bank manager all the time whenever it was the way it was, but now that people get 100% out of it, they will raid it any chance they get. I would love to get the bank up in money, but I don't like spending my time to get it up in money to just get it all the way back down to where it originally was because of the 100% out of bank.


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  3. Coming from a king main, it is just a little unfair but its really easy to raid. I got raided multiple times easily by people so I think you can raid it to, you just have to think smarter than you play. You can do multiple things to counter king and take over kingdom easily, you just have to find out the ways.


  4. I agree with this. Everytime I get a t3, i always get depression from opening one of them because of how shit the loot is. For a while now, it has been like this, so I believe that t3's are in need of a little buff. +1

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