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Harold Haroldson


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Harold Haroldson

  1. On 8/15/2020 at 6:53 PM, HIDDEN said:

    the problem with titsrp is it doesn't really have it's own artstyle. By that I mean all the "characters" are workshop models which is perfectly normal for a gmod server, but there isn't any unique titsrp characters/playermodels. Like when I think of titsrp I think of picolas cage, steven seagull for the stalkers, the pissed baby, the weird looking cat that's also an extreme gambler, etc but if I draw a picture of picolas cage it's not REALLLY titsrp artwork unless you draw them all together which then it would be, but I think you get what i'm saying. 

    femboys, a lot of femboys

  2. Description: i dont know how but procs will randomly shoot up in time. The worst I've seen was up to about 30 mins.
    How to reproduce: I don't exactly know, but I think it has something to do with pickup boxes.
    Priority: (High, Medium, Low) im gonna say medium

  3. Ok but think about this way you claimed it to be a raid when you knew that doc was there. You should have thought about what you were doing LONG before you just started killing everybody. Then you claimed that you thought the mcstubbins and dons were in a war when I vividly remember attending church with you the day doc and macaroni proclaimed that the feud had ended. Don’t play the victim when you ruined that day for carolus and kilobyte

  4. there are a few admins, and i wanna figure out, according to the people, who is the best, who is your favourite admin?


    definitely blue or gerbs its a tie between the two

    (fuck jason)

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