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Harold Haroldson


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Harold Haroldson

  1. Description: i dont know how but procs will randomly shoot up in time. The worst I've seen was up to about 30 mins. How to reproduce: I don't exactly know, but I think it has something to do with pickup boxes. Priority: (High, Medium, Low) im gonna say medium
  2. A lot of the time i ask myself "why wont this guy go down?" and i realize i need some kinda way to tell how much damage im dealing. Well, if i could gauge how much damage im dealing I would win 100% more fights. link to the workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2076996117&searchtext=damage+numbers
  3. Ok but think about this way you claimed it to be a raid when you knew that doc was there. You should have thought about what you were doing LONG before you just started killing everybody. Then you claimed that you thought the mcstubbins and dons were in a war when I vividly remember attending church with you the day doc and macaroni proclaimed that the feud had ended. Don’t play the victim when you ruined that day for carolus and kilobyte
  4. I must say this is one of the single best moves I’ve ever seen from a business standpoint since they invented the toaster! Very cash money!
  5. Fuck you jason I’m not a minge I take my place it tits very seriously
  6. definitely blue or gerbs its a tie between the two (fuck jason)
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