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Ƭ� Ƭ��αη�


Ƭ� Ƭ��αη� last won the day on May 25 2016

Ƭ� Ƭ��αη� had the most liked content!

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  1. As someone who was on the brink of admin twice, there's certain staff that do more than others. Reward the over-achievers. Moderators are treated as admin and admins are treated as leadership. I'm not too certain on the current situation, but when I was around there was a whole 3 admins and they weren't around terribly often. Blac being one of the more common admins around, but even then 3 admins ain't a lot to go around. (PS. The blue name is pretty nice)
  2. --snip-- The thing is, bitcoin miners were good, but they got nerfed because Sugar wants to cull the amount of money players have. They make money, but not enough to make the rich richer
  3. A) Bold move calling out staff by name B) I wasn't online, I joined when I saw your shout box message and as soon as Medik joined, he witnessed them doing nothing. You do not know how do things on the server, while I "ran around the server" that is how some would say "Doing their rounds" I was looking for rules being broken because in all reality, Medik was watching the players who you accused and he looked into the report for me and stated what he found. C) You complained that people were rdming, but in all reality, if they were they stopped before they were caught. Like I even snapped at you when you tried to say "Just look at logs" logs can't tell us everything. You tell me someone is propspamming in the theater, I can see that he stacked chairs -1337 underground and that can be seen. Someone getting killed every so often isn't as easy because I don't know what led up to that moment. As far as I know, someone could say "Hey dude, kill me 3 times for fun, just to see how quick you can do it xD" over voice then after it happens, call staff saying "This guy just keeps rdming me for no reason why I try to leave spawn, it's bullshit, ban him. Logs support my story anyways" D) You also claimed I was the only staff online, but like previously mentioned, Medik was in the server before me to begin with. PS) Also, you say that Kennedy was a better leader than Hitler but Hitler did unify a country. Not saying that Hitler was a good guy or anything, but just that he was a great talker and did do what other leaders wish they could do with unifying their country under one person. While Kennedy had roughly a 70% approval rate during his time as president, Hitler did have an estimated 90-93% approval rate, how much of those numbers had something to do with the brainwashing he did on the people is one thing, but those were the numbers I did manage to find. Turns out, the Nazis didn't really hold too many open polls about their approval rating. (I like history)
  4. Sugar has stated that there will never be a map change,as it would cause a mass loss of players AND player intrest. Although i am working on a plan for a suggestion that is going to take some time. y He just said why, read his response
  5. A side shoutbox for staff. Our quarrels shouldn't be out in the open for players to see and for us to judge users outside of the view of normal players
  6. Sugar has said before that unboxing isn't suppose to be rewarding, it's a spot where he chose to make player who want stuff to funnel money and have a slight chance at getting a reward. Not make it so you unbox so you get good shit to work with regularly
  7. You got rid of my sick photoshop of you ;-;
  8. So you'd find it to be perfectly acceptable for someone you're doing a sit with as the defendant and they get pulled into VIP? How about the guy prosecutor mid story? Or even you while you're conducting the sit? You find that to be okay? Bonus round: You're raiding someone and you're finally about to kill them after half an hour of raiding and roughly 12 C4, you're now the VIP and you're teleported into the parking lot by the Manor and you now lose your Skullsmasher that you were raiding with and the rest of the C4 on you. When you finally reach your destination, there is a firing squad of 7 guys with shotguns already aimed for you, have fun.
  9. I don't even know if I could yell at you for that tbh
  10. Easily a "Yay" for system to make raids worth more and players who can build get more out of building
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