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[TITS.GG] Rust IP change

This announcement is no longer active



First of all, thank you to everyone that has chosen us as your preferred Rust community.

  • We will be migrating the Solo/Duo & Quads servers to new and better hardware starting August 1st, 2022 at 2pm EST.
  • Beginning Monday, TITS.GG will not show up in your favorites because we will be using a new IP address. You will need to either direct-connect to the server via one of the IP addresses listed below or search for "TITS" in the Community Server section of the Rust server list, then re-add us to your favorites.
  • The SOLO Thursday server will be discontinued July 28th at 2pm EST. There are some really great SOLO servers out there but we will be reallocating those resources to our other two more popular servers for now. Thank you to everyone who played and enjoyed TITS.GG SOLO.
  • The migration will not affect your blueprints.



New Rust IP addresses:

TITS.GG Weekly | Solo | Duo - | CONNECT

TITS.GG Weekly | Solo | Duo | Trios | Quads  - | CONNECT



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