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The Gambler can't really put any slot machines up or even a "spin the wheel" machine due to the fact that they can't use wheels. Maybe let the Gamblers have access to slot machines (mod or props) or something to let there be more than Russian Roulette?


Also, I wanna know what the difference is between thieves and raiders. It doesnt seem like there is any, so why is it there?


Finally, can we bring back Prostitutes, Sewer Monsters, Pimps, and maybe even add a Stalin VIP job and KGB so it can counterract Hitler and his guards? Tons of ideas :D




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Gambler used to have slots and some other machine.. I can't remember it off the top of my head. But they were VERY performance intensive addons. People's FPS would drop within a certain radius and it caused the server to crash a few times. The gambler was added because of these but his main purpose was kinda removed. There are a lot of other "gambling" addons but I will have to see what I can do.


Thieves and Raiders difference: There is no difference in terms of rules and...there is no difference of items when they spawn..okay I will make a difference. But the main difference is I guess the mindset? As a raider, other people KNOW you're going to be raiding other peoples houses that are producing drugs / printers/ have shipments. A thieves mindset is to steal from businesses...like a restaurant owner, gun seller, or someone else who is providing a service. That's just my two cents. Of course they can do the same shit and you can always play how you want to play.


As for prositutes, I will think about it. Sewer monsters is a no since there is no sewer. Pimps, maybe. Stalin and a group would be okay....but I there are already so many jobs that are counter factions to other jobs which don't really offer too much.

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Alright, its just that it felt a wee bit empty. Thanks for listening :D



I came up with some ideas while i was sleeping too. I remembered that some servers had hackers (they could hack into ATM machines and keypads), which would be very good for raiding groups. Also, ATM machines would be great too :D get some interest off of dat money. If not ATM, maybe introduce a bank (many servers put it near the PD, its that one building that if the PD is on your left its right in front of you) and have some banker jobs :D Bank Robbers could still raid it, and all would be well. Thanks again for reading :D 


(PS: How do you have that crashing bird gif? I wanna get a gif and use it for my posts too. I've seen it quite a bit and i wanna try)

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I thought about getting ATMS but I don't know if I am exactly too keen of allowing interest on money. When we first started the server, my thoughts were to make money very difficult to get. So when someone saw another guy with 100k they would be like JESUS CHRIST. Except...that's not how it really works now. It insanely easy to get money since there are 5 ways to get it


  • Robbing banks
  • Printers
  • Weed
  • Meth
  • Seling goods or services

Which in turn, make people A LOT of profit. I might higher some of the buying prices of items to deal with inflation but it also doesn't seem fair to newer players who have no money. 


We used to have a bank that people could store money in and it would give it interest. People could also raid it with a drill to get the money out. What I learned was two things:


  • This map can't handle 3 banks, its way too small
  • No one even cared about earning interest

So I don't think I will add that back, but we will always see.


Finally, about the bird gif, I have no clue how I did that to be 100% honest with you. I think you go to your profile and edit your signature with a compatible gif from like imgur or w/e.

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Ah ok. Meth DOES make a lot of money. And I do have to say it is kinda difficult to make money any other way, so ya got that down.


Perhaps instead of three banks, you could just have one big bank? I'll have to show you the popular location of banks in other servers. I made a pharmacy there XD it got raided a ton (which brings me to my next point)


I've noticed in the server there is a big surplus of raiders and thieves and mercenaries and such, and then theres practically no actual businesses or shops. I'll be in the server and the most shops I will see are like two, one usually being a gun shop. And even then, those shops get CONSTANTLY raided. I just feel like if there were more business-related jobs, or if there was more of an incentive to make a business than to destroy one, players would be more profitable and goods would get around easier. I don't know, just something to look into.


Finally, i checked the signature. It's just text .-. wut do i do

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