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1. Add Tranq M9 as a buyable option on at least one of the market dealers.


Why should it happen? Tranq M9's are not a crazy insane weapon. It's really nothing too special, you kidnap people with it. You can get them from processors but that's about it. It would be cool if it was added to a market dealer.




2. Have a trade system like !trade [name]


Why should it happen? It would make deals a lot easier and make scamming less of a chance to happen. Like you would be able to trade items from your inventory and set a amount of money you can give to them.




3. Put more questions in staff format


Why should it happen? With the current staff app, its pretty easy to get staff. You can put 10 minutes of effort and get accepted. Put more questions with a higher difficulty to prevent stupid staff and get better staff.




4. Make promotions from Senior Moderator --> Admin not rare


Why should it happen? Basically senior mods are like trial admins. If a senior mod is doing extremely well and people know he can be trusted to do the right thing, why not let it happen? I get it, maybe the owner doesn't want this. But promotions is what keeps people going. Senior mod I'm guessing is older mods(in the name) so their going to be bored at times, since they have been playing for a while. A promotion will keep them going and help the staff team overall.

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1. Maybe, the Tranq used to be a CC weapon but was left in the game for no real reason. If its going to be buyable from the black market dealer I will rework most of it since its a very clunky item


2. Yes, this feature is almost done here is a WIP video here https://streamable.com/btaqy


3. You generally don't have to put in a super crazy amount of effort into an app to get staff. I believe actions speak louder than words and unless you just hit 15 hours over the course of 3 months and you're not seen ingame, the staff should have some idea on who you are. You can write the best app in the world but when it comes down to who you are and how you act its generally weighed a ton more when accepting apps. The only time this becomes an issue is when the staff don't know who you are. Also in GMod the staff should and honestly be quantity > quality which is the reverse of what you usually hear. The more staff, the more something may be done about something. If you strive for quality, you're going to have very limited staff and those people usually don't play 12 hours a day every day. When you have a ton of quantity then usually you will have a good amount of staff on at all times and while they may not be the best, it's better than not having any staff on. Its just something I have learned / experienced in the past 4 years of running this server.


4. Senior moderator was to clean the gap between mod -> admin. As you said they are like trial admins but admins are leaders and its very apparent when someone doesn't posses the skills required to become an admin but work just as fine as being a senior moderator. New admins will only be accepted if they are a senior mod so you should see more admins at some point as they do posses a good amount of power compared to moderator. The other thing you want to consider is that you shouldn't just get admin straight out of the gates because you were a senior moderator for a month if you do not possess the leadership / knowledge that the current admins usually have.


Also Senior mod was added to give people more power and to stop people from saying "I am never being promoted which means I am undervalued" "I am never being promoted which means people don't respect me" "I am never being promoted which means everything I have done has been for nothing". If people keep complaining (if they actually are) saying how they have been senior mod for like 1 month and they haven't been promoted to an admin, that will just keep going until they reach a rank which is just not obtainable. "Oh wow I got admin. Now I want head admin". "Oh wow I got head admin, now I want super admin". "People don't respect me unless I am head admin" "People won't respect me unless I become a super admin"


I am pretty strict on admin promotions, you know when people deserve admin because its very clear who is just following and who is really trying to show everyone else how to do things. I am a big believer that if you want it, you physically have to do it. None of this "I hit 2000 sits and 1000 hours, where is admin now" kinda bs. If you haven't show you're not a leader or you can't lead you just won't get it lol

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