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Sewer room bug ?


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Description: So me and a friend were basing in a sewer room and I had 2 printers/1 processor and went outside the base for a minute, my friend then tells my my stuffs disappeared yet he's been watching everything the whole time. (His items on the opposite side of the room were not affected) Then today I had 6 printers and one processor in the same side of the room then turn around for 2 seconds to place a prop (I had just checked and everything was full failsafe/battery) I then turn back around after placing the prop (my door was still locked and was only entrance)  and my stuffs disappeared again. And it wasn't stolen because the printers could be rebought problem was it made me lose 4 other printers from two players that were high level.


How to reproduce: Wait a good while with farming entities placed in right side of sewer room. Screenshot of room : https://imgur.com/a/Tyyro


Priority: Low/Medium

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Might be a problem with the floor collision in that room. Did you have a staff noclip check below the floor? That kind of stuff used to happen to me in one of the houses in Suburbs.


I called staff but he said make a report on forums, I'd also like to note a crafting table disappeared so not only farming entities.. I'm about to call an admin to check that though thanks for tip.

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Might be a problem with the floor collision in that room. Did you have a staff noclip check below the floor? That kind of stuff used to happen to me in one of the houses in Suburbs.


I called staff but he said make a report on forums, I'd also like to note a crafting table disappeared so not only farming entities.. I'm about to call an admin to check that though thanks for tip.


This has been an issue for a while. It also happens when you play chem engineer, every once in a while something will just phase through the floor and be lost to the void. Definitely an issue with Collison detection on some of the floors

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Update on this, I had a similar experience in Theater base. Several Large Printer Batteries fell through the floor when spawned near the screen of the theater. They did not properly despawn as I could no longer spawn large printer batteries and was forced to sell the printers as they had become too tedious to refill.

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