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Big Kidnapping Problem


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Description: Firstly, you would need to kidnap someone and bring them to the ritual. After putting them on the ritual break the ritual and they get stuck as kidnapped and can't do anything. You can't respawn and when I tried to !frespawn myself it respawned me but I couldnt do anything and I was at the same spot. Race tried killing me and didn't work. 


How to reproduce: Kidnap someone and fuck them up hard. Or maybe someone will do this to make a owner of a base with lots of raidables disconnect and take all his raidables.


Priority: (High)



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It happened to me too today, I had to get force respawned by Harley.


Speaking of bugs, when you type /give it does the message in Gang Chat, so it shows up like "[Gang] Cicada:ive"


People that I saw got this bug I tried respawning them and It just spawned them in one area dead or alive and it didn't bring them back to spawn. Either people had to disconnect or wait until the kidnap timer goes out.

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