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Name's Mike (A.K.A) Soge King

Soge King

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hecko there beautiful, the name's Mike. Im mostly always online on this server. Its the only DarkRP I play actually. I use to play on the server on another account that I use to use (me and my brothers used it) but I wanted an account to myself and made this one. I hope you guys will be gentle with me, im still a virgin. (Someone bring the lube)search?q=bring+the+lube&rlz=1Y3JHSK_enUS540US544&prmd=ivmn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI1IL088vmxwIVCtIeCh1xzAXW&biw=360&bih=559&dpr=3#imgrc=IIQn-55mYT_5JM%3A

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