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Bring Back Evilmelon On Original Server.


Bring Evilmelon back?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Bring Evilmelon back?

    • Yeah of course Evilmelon is best map 2k15.

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Framerate drop has to deal with the amount of content in the server and all of it running at once. For the most part, its kinda out of my control unless I remove a ton of stuff.


Which believe me, I am trying but at this point there is literately NOTHING else to remove. In fact there is only more to add. If you want me to remove playermodels, weapons, features tell me. I have looked over the list several times, when I mean several I mean at least 20 - 30 times saying "Do we need this?", "Is this used", "Do people like this", "Will people be pissed if I remove this?"


Which is why I experiment taking some things out here and there. For example, I removed the Camera Man script and the next day people were like...why did you remove that. For the most part, I think one of the culprits is all the playermodels. People have INSANE and HUGE playermodels / weapon packs. I don't exactly know how Garry's Mod works so please don't quote me on this but if I had to guess, when players have to load all these different models it becomes a hassle. For the most part, every person is a different model.


People always ask "How come I always have shitty frame on this server" well its because all of the shit we have. Here is a pie chart I made because Steven is a snake.




I don't know. I really don't. Post examples here on what to remove.. removing cars is pretty much out of the question since I have invested real $, time, effort to add them in. Also refunding people would be a hassle and people like the cars. (IF YOU WANT TO ACTUALLY DRIVE THE CARS AROUND GO TO THE SECOND SERVER)

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SnappleGuy342" timestamp="1424457919"]

I'd say that instead of having 2 darkrp servers, with one small shitty map and one large unused map we could try getting rid of the retribution server and increasing the amount of players on the original server and switch to a medium sized map like evilmelon.


You have a good idea. But the thing is, we max a core on 32 - 38 players which = lag. Plus Source games handle players above 32+ pretty poorly. If we wanted to do this which we can, its not exactly out of our reach, a lot of things would have to change.


  • Remove ULX and move to a more efficient admin module (All of the other ones suck and its hard to migrate data over)
  • Remove FPP (still haven't moved over because I don't want to reblock 700 props)
  • Remove TDM cars (They cause drops in frames, also cause some type of lag)
  • Remove player models and jobs. Probably hover over 20 - 30 jobs. (We have 62 right now)
  • Remove the option to add custom models and workshop weapons to custom classes
  • Remove a good amount of addons and weapons in general
  • Make sure we have a SQL DB in NY

It would be a long, hard and kinda stupid process. Because once we go there, there is no way of coming back. Just like with the SQlite -> MySQL conversion. Its kinda difficult to convert it back which I would rather not learn. We already have it so ULX goes through MySQL so it transfers between servers. We have 2 servers because of the limitation issue. If I wanted to order a server from NFO and pay like $60 - $120 a month for a super server, that is also possible. I would rather not because I like Elpis and I have been with them since August. Plus we would have to move all the data over which would take a solid week for me to get that all set up. 


In short terms, it CAN happen, it most likely wont.

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Framerate drop has to deal with the amount of content in the server and all of it running at once. For the most part, its kinda out of my control unless I remove a ton of stuff.


Which believe me, I am trying but at this point there is literately NOTHING else to remove. In fact there is only more to add. If you want me to remove playermodels, weapons, features tell me. I have looked over the list several times, when I mean several I mean at least 20 - 30 times saying "Do we need this?", "Is this used", "Do people like this", "Will people be pissed if I remove this?"


Which is why I experiment taking some things out here and there. For example, I removed the Camera Man script and the next day people were like...why did you remove that. For the most part, I think one of the culprits is all the playermodels. People have INSANE and HUGE playermodels / weapon packs. I don't exactly know how Garry's Mod works so please don't quote me on this but if I had to guess, when players have to load all these different models it becomes a hassle. For the most part, every person is a different model.


People always ask "How come I always have shitty frame on this server" well its because all of the shit we have. Here is a pie chart I made because Steven is a snake.




I don't know. I really don't. Post examples here on what to remove.. removing cars is pretty much out of the question since I have invested real $, time, effort to add them in. Also refunding people would be a hassle and people like the cars. (IF YOU WANT TO ACTUALLY DRIVE THE CARS AROUND GO TO THE SECOND SERVER)



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In the poll it says get Sanic perma banned and while I'd like to see that, I'd soooo much rather have the beautiful Evilmelon back. Started from the bottom now we here. Evilmelon was gr8, new shit happening a lot, a lot of public fun building space. Remember the Great Melon Wall, the 4th Reich area, those mobster guys that took over like half the map, and even Billy Mays' shit houses I sold for like $10,000? Gr8 tiems. I actually liked that other Downtown map that had the sewer and giant suburban houses. That map was alright and tolerable enough. Evilmelon was still and will always be liek 500000x better than this one we have now. Seriously #BRINGBACKMELON needs to get trending. Did I mention how we need to get Evilmelon back? cuz we do.


Seriously though, shit didnt work out too well when we switched maps the first time. Buncha Muncha Cruncha people left and then we got sweet ass evilmelon back and it waas beautiful. ALSO, THOSE EBOLA CHECKPOINTS! YA CAN'T DO THAT IN DOWNTOWN!

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