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Eclisoul |

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I was warned by the admin/mod The Joker for reason of rdm on Sat, Aug 1st, though I do not recall, whatsoever, being warned, I know that I had not been warned when I was online or in a sit because I currently had no warns before this happened, and I'm honestly really confused as to why it's on there, If I had gotten warned in a sit, I would remember since it's my first warning, and I do not want to be banned/warned/break rules whatsoever because I don't want to even come close to getting banned. If someone could please remove it or tell me the situation it was in, i honestly have no idea why the warn is there. Thank you. :/

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You can check the full list of your warns with !warn, and whether or not it affects your standing on the server probably depends on what the warning is.


I warn for just about anything and warnings do expire pretty quickly, so unless you're actually being a nuisance you generally don't need to worry about the auto-kick or auto-ban.

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