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[Low] Unboxing Bug


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Description: When un-boxing crates the needle does not match the prize it spits out (For better or worse) This happens to me often, i have realized however this could be client side. And probably something that would be unable to fix


How to reproduce: Open 5+ crates, needle gets more and more off


Priority: Low


(In the pic to prove i did not just time it you cannot open the next crate untile the needle stops, and you can see i got the wrong prize. It also displays the name but not the prize, and an item pick-up should and would appear on the right)



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That's interesting, I will test it out. The whole unboxing addon was rewritten logically since it was 100% clientside. That meant that if you had basic net knowledge and you could bypass some other things, you can basically write to the server what you won (which happened). I thought I fixed that issue with snycing the server's value with the clients but maybe I didn't consider if you unbox more than once or twice in the same frame it becomes off?


The issue is definitely clientside though, the server picks what you win before you spin. I will check it out though!

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