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Report on Apple


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Your Steam Name: Church

Your ingame name: Church


Your Steam Profile/SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79654202/http://steamcommunity.com/id/FGTET/


Who are you reporting? Apple/STEAM_0:1:112748393/http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198185762515


Reasons why you are reporting:  Clearly propblock as a tmod I feel as if there needs to be some type of punishment. 



Its the first 6 screenshots on there. He had printers behind the props.

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when church called me over and i saw what was going on i saw literally 0 buttons or keypads that could've connected to the prop that apple had printers behind ( probably was a fading door with no button at all which still isnt allowed )

plus apple just bought tmod and says he's been staff other places and this right here shows he knows what he's doing wrong 

So I mean i'd say that he's in the wrong for doing this i'm not entirely sure though

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As a result of this, I added Moderators to have Admin weapons which just include the keypad checker to make sure an entity is hooked up to a keypad and for how long.


I am going to keep this report open for 24 hours for his explanation until he is demoted. Not saying he is in the right I am curious. This does break the rule


  • You must have your keypads in plain sight and it must be next to the door

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when church called me over and i saw what was going on i saw literally 0 buttons or keypads that could've connected to the prop that apple had printers behind ( probably was a fading door with no button at all which still isnt allowed )

plus apple just bought tmod and says he's been staff other places and this right here shows he knows what he's doing wrong 

So I mean i'd say that he's in the wrong for doing this i'm not entirely sure though


he did not just buy tmod btw

As a result of this, I added Moderators to have Admin weapons which just include the keypad checker to make sure an entity is hooked up to a keypad and for how long.


I am going to keep this report open for 24 hours for his explanation until he is demoted. Not saying he is in the right I am curious. This does break the rule


  • You must have your keypads in plain sight and it must be next to the door


He will respond tomorrow i believe

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Alright, in my response there was only the prop behind the chair in the back of the room that you could not get through. The other props were just against the wall so it was not the whole room that was prop blocked. That prop leading to the printers was meant to be a no-collide prop so you could jump over the chair right to where the money printers are. I figure that since I used the stacker tool on that prop that's why it messed up the no-collide I'm pretty sure. Even with this I know I was in the wrong. I should have made sure it was working before I had to go. Obviously people like me less for this, but I still want to help this server. If I am demoted for this mistake I will completely understand...

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