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Tons of items missing from inventory


Go to solution Solved by Minato,

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I had been saving up my lootboxes, chests, and crates while grinding out the battlepass today and sometime recently, like 5-10 or so of my inventory items are completely gone. A tier 3 lootbox, nearly 100 tier 2s, and almost all of my other chests. I'm not sure if it was because I was kicked from the gang I was in, or if the timing was a coincidence but I'm missing most of my stash. Tried !recover, reset game completely multiple times.

How to reproduce:

Not sure. Server was very laggy around the time, I think I was kicked from my gang as well so I'm not sure if it just bugged out my inventory.
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  • Solution

If your gang had a perk adding inventory space, leaving/being kicked will make you lose the space. However, you can either buy the inventory space you’re missing from the Suga Shop or join a new gang with the same perk. Either way your stuff should still be there. 

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