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New jobs/Uses involving lightsaber swep.


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Saw someone asking about the light-saber swep in chat and explained the limited use for it and had a few ideas pop in my head. Obviously the uses for the saber are heavily cut down to just Combustion, Healing, Leap and its already in the server so might aswell use the rest of it. This would also make the Vader pet more useful.


Was thinking you could add prestige token unlocks to enable other uses on lightsaber swep for starters. Repulsion, Lightning etc... I feel like they may have been disabled to avoid trolling by newer players and by locking the abilitys behind prestige token unlock it might limit the trolling as players with that much time invested to the server would probably hesitate more than your average troll to run around electrocuting players. Combustion itself is kind of troll ability to use and is still allowed so i dont see much difference and honestly its easier to tell when someone is shocking you than igniting.


As far as job's we already have bounty hunter boba fett running around why not make a 1 slot job for Jedi (CP)  Sith (Theif). Give the jobs either more or limited access to the full abilitys so people can see what all they unlock through using prestige tokens and encourage leveling. I am assuming its not to crazy of a challenge to control which ability's certain players have access to as i have seen entire JVS servers do this with terminals in their spawns.


Just spit balling ideas, bit biased on this one being a star wars obsessed nerd.

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