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hola soy fantasma 2.0

ODA Envy

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hecko, my name is Greg but call me Ghostly, I am re-introducing myself because I have changed alot.

For the people that do not know me, I am an admin that is inactive for the time being, I got made a moderator in November and have been admin for awhile, I was active for the whole time until recently.


Things have changed in my life that have changed me as a person.

There are five big changes right now, they are the following.

In order from smallest to biggest changes.

  • Pulling my grades up in school and stopped skipping. Not all the way good, for the most part it's okay, I have two Fs' still but they are not below 30s now.
  • I am Assistant Head Game Master(admeme of fun) on a once large server that is part of a large community.
  • I am getting my learners permit this week, already have my green card and been studying every day.
  • I am moving to Kentucky this summer, our house is already on the market.

Some of these are just general improvements and those will help my attitude and others have changed me as a person, for example my job has made me appreciate things more.



Also, here is a little bit of my history with my community, both of my staff apps.

First - Denied because I was friends with a negative player.


Second - Accepted on the belief that everyone deserves a chance.



Thanks for reading!

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