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Hi there :3

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Well you know me. I'm Dian commonly know as Sc0rp. I'm the creator of the scorpion class, the "wallet waster" as Dylan calls me. Happy to be here met some good people. Seems some bad people leave or get demoted or permabanned. I've seen some shit. I'm good at surfing favorite color is red-orange. Favorite singer is prince #Ripprince and umm I like playing games. (Obv) nice to meet you.

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You have been on for 3 weeks to month......why are you doing this now its a bit late, but hi I guess nice to meet you my name is apxcs I am a mod on this server...(EVEN THOUGH WE ALREADY KNOW EACH OTHER)

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You have been on for 3 weeks to month......why are you doing this now its a bit late, but hi I guess nice to meet you my name is apxcs I am a mod on this server...(EVEN THOUGH WE ALREADY KNOW EACH OTHER)


I didn't make mine until i was promoted to mod


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