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It's not that I am ever stressed about custom classes lmao. It's just that people expect way too much out of them. The price is cheap because of my tactics to reduce server size + keep the option available to most people + it's easy as heck to do. The only lengthy part is compressing textures and uploading the content for the next reset. Which is why I usually tell people to eat poop if they want to change their workshop content.


Increasing the price of custom classes is not out of the way but I would straight up prefer if they weren't in the game. Now I see why some servers legit have it so a standard AK-47 is worth $75 IRL cash.


The thing is, all custom classes are basically derived off the thief job. They can raid, heist and kill basically. No custom class is going to "rp" because they don't have the incentive to. This also creates more RDM and issues and overall it is a deathmatch server.


There also isn't a way to just add an incentive to RP for custom classes since it doesn't work like that. I am trying to think of any other DarkRP server I have ever played on and in the past 7 years (yes I was 13 when I started playing gmod) there has been nothing else but setting up shops, basing or raiding. This gamemode is legit about making the most money you can in a base.


This server is going to need a long time to fully heal from the massive scars it was given. But just believe me that it will within the next 1 - 2 months.

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