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Fishing Tweaks


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A few fishing tweaks that I feel would help fishing. One of the the thoughts I've had is making fish rarity balanced with price, like the old minnow and TinyAssFish, both rare fish, are 2,500 and 5,000 respectfully, but with the fish update a little back the lowest price rare fish added, Angry Tiger Fish, is 14,000. Another small touch would be to add is that all the new fish should be in the fishing circles in the ocean, I see no reason this shouldnt be added at least, just a few thoughts that would be quality of life.

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3 hours ago, likamono said:

A few fishing tweaks that I feel would help fishing. One of the the thoughts I've had is making fish rarity balanced with price, like the old minnow and TinyAssFish, both rare fish, are 2,500 and 5,000 respectfully, but with the fish update a little back the lowest price rare fish added, Angry Tiger Fish, is 14,000. Another small touch would be to add is that all the new fish should be in the fishing circles in the ocean, I see no reason this shouldnt be added at least, just a few thoughts that would be quality of life.

I agree with this.

Although not EVERY fish should be added to the circles. I've gotten half a mil from the parrot fish. more fish = more chances to get rich quick. Kinda ruins the balance.

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