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G'day peeps

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G'day ya'll, for those who don't know me on the server my name is Jack (aka Jack-tott). I've been playing the server for a bit now, not too long and I really enjoy it. In fact it's one of the best DarkRP server's out there in my opinion. I've met a lot of funny, stuPid and smexy people on the server so far and it's a blast every time I jump on. This thread is just to introduce myself a bit so yaaaa....


I'm an Aussie bloke, sometimes I like doing other voices to confuse the fuck outta people 🤡. I am a VIP and mainly play dumb roles or PD roles, when I feel like I wanna abuse people..... (issa joke man). Been playing gmod for a long time now maybe say 7 years now or so. But anyways I hope everyone is having a pleasant day/night and I look forward to meeting you all in game! 


Take care bitches

-  By your sexy babe , Jacktott 

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