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Custom class changes thread?

Dian Robingson

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So recently ive got paid from my job and I want to add a bunch of shit to my class but I don't wanna bother sugar tits 24/7 for any change made. So I thought it would be a good idea if there was a thread that requested custom class changes. It goes along these lines:

Your steamname:

Your IGN:

Your steamprofile or steamid (Steamidfinder.com):

Your class name:

Class changes:

Players added (Optional):

For class changes, list the pricings and donate to sugar tits the amounts of money.

For item replacements list them in class changes with format of (Item to replace) -> (Item to replace with) Example: Keypad cracker -> Halo shotgun


I guess this should've gone under the suggestions tab but I figured it would've got more attention under discussions. Thanks for reading!

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While it's nice to have a thread like this, I do read every message on steam. Every message that is sent to me, I will read at some point.


People just don't understand that you can leave an offline message so they will say "Hey, I want to change my class when you get online" or when I finally do get online "OMG I have waiting 3 days for you to come online! I want to change x y z." If you just leave the changes in the chat box, you have a 90% chance to get the changes made for the next reset as long as you're not asking for custom weapons to be changed because 90% of the time, people just leave custom weapons they know that will just be declined in the message.

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