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Sewer Monster / Sewer Cleaner jobs?


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I've been playing on this server for a while and i've noticed that the Sewer Lord is the only sewer monster job. I was thinking that there should be a job under Sewer Lord kind of like a group of them called "Sewerling" or something. There should be another job with the main objective to kill the Sewer Lord and it's Sewerlings.



Sewer Cleaner job model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=524675815&searchtext=hazmat



Sewerling job model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=974932116&searchtext=zombie



i felt that there should be something more to that job than just 1 monster running around the sewer and no one dedicated to fight it. i think it would be fun to have a group of monsters vs a squad of humans

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