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  • pretty head
  • Weird Job Rules
    Rules related to weird jobs like sharks and crabs.

    Basic Description: You're super weird. You take pictures or meow at people. Do something that makes Pap233 proud.

    Raid | Heist | Megabase

    • Gru is default AOS
    • Stalkers and Master Stalkers are subject to AOS if they're caught stalking people
    • Master Stalker can break NLR on their assigned target only
    • Pets and Master Pets cannot own guns but they can own melee weapons
    • Being revived by a Necromancer does not mean you can continue a heist/raid. You lost, no second chances
    • If you are playing as a Necromancer and revive a hostile NPC, you are KOS
    • Due to the fact that they do not have any job functions outside of their respective play areas, the Sewer Lord and Sharks (But not Crabs!) are not bound by NLR unless they are affecting a raid
    • Sewer Lord is KOS inside sewers and dying by him inside sewers is not considered RDM

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