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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Koben

  1. Bug Description: If you have 2 printer that can have upgrades next to each other or on top of each other, You don't have to buy 2 printer upgrades for each printer. For example, I have a Multi and a Cheap printer. If i place them next or on top of each other you can buy 1 printer Fail safe and have it go to both. The same with the storage upgrade, Overclock, and the battery. How to reproduce: Spawn two printers that can be upgraded and place them on top or beside each other. Then spawn in upgrades. Priority: low
  2. Koben


    Bug/Exploit Description: If you call raid and reconnect you can raid right away. For example, If i'm raiding player Y finish the raid and reconnect I can raid player X right away without waiting 20 mins. How to reproduce: Call raid (!raid) then reconnect. Priority: Medium
  3. everyone can. Yes you can spawn explosive barrels which you shoot and can kill like up to 10 people. Any prop that is
  4. A item you restricted us from using
  5. So, if someone raids you and takes your printers you cant spawn more until they destroy them or disconnect? I believe so. When you disconnect the person will still have the printers until they blow it up.
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