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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Koben

  1. The way I see it the people of the community you play in should know of the scummy activities you take part in, the scamming community is cancerous and I feel that the people around you should be warned. But I actually have not scammed anyone I have no reports on steam rep and you have no evidence of me scamming any one so this is a useless post and its not even about gmod. He is not saying you scammed anyone he is saying that there are signs that you may be. Also, he is just giving people a heads up for if they do want to trade with you.
  2. LMAO, he told me to do the same thing. https://gyazo.com/d35cfef694179e9b7bf9d13f5f845887
  3. what if we make it so admins+ can change the map back and forth due to a in game voting system???
  4. I posted the straw poll on the server so we can see what they want and i will post it later for other people to vote
  5. http://www.strawpoll.me/10683955 vote so we can see what you guys want!
  6. YES PLEASE, it's so annoying when people do that
  7. Plz!! Yes add checkers/chess it was so much fun when We had that.
  8. My opinion is that scorps smelled Jk he smelled like bzerk
  9. Lmao. Was it because he didn't change??
  10. YESS PLEASE. That happens all the time to me when i fine someone.
  11. nope, i dont think so
  12. https://gyazo.com/d16e23c2734455f2b96bb9a3e37b8611 x3 other pages
  13. not calling out gman or anything but he abused it a little before making this...
  14. Koben


    how would you know hops?? If there is a fix it should be fixed
  15. Sean there is no point to argue in the discussion section. If you are really upset about this then make a report... https://titsrp.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14 ( Correct format https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=313 )
  16. Sean If you are looking to report him go to this link and follow the correct format https://titsrp.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14 ( Correct format https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=313 ) If you're looking to do a ban appeal go to this link and follow correct format https://titsrp.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=18 ( Correct format https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=1325 )
  17. Viewer Discretion is advised- This MP3 songs contain mean word, and mad roasting. Part 1 : https://soundcloud.com/user511994910/ts3-titsrp-rapping Part 2 :
  18. I feel like we should have to advert raid. This will stop sits for RDM, and breaking raid nlr. It will also be a lot easier to tell if someone is raiding you and a starting point for when the raid starts.
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