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� RES �


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by � RES �

  1. [align=center]❤Psychedelic❤


    Founded: 11/29/2019

    Founders: Axiom ❤ & ❤Harley McStubbins

    [specific Discord IDs: Axiom#1036 & Harley McStubbins#9273]


    Officers: Spartan L & FIDO THE TOXIC K9


    Level: 65


    Psychedelic is a gang currently recruiting mature, respected members of the community. The main focus of our gang is to have fun, and keep toxicity to its minimum.


    If you are interested in joining ❤Psychedelic❤

    apply below using the following format. 

    We do ask you have at least 100 hours played on TitsRP before applying



    In-Game Name:


    In-Game Rank: [user/VIP/Respected/TrialMod/Moderator/SeniorMod/Admin/HA/SA]

    My main focus when playing is:

    The job I play most is:

     Total Hours Played on TitsRP(!stats):

    Discord ID: [/align]

    In-game Name: Ressy


    In-game Rank: VIP

    My main focus when playing is to have genuine human interaction and try to have a good ole time while also enjoying the entire RP experience.

    The job I play the most is either my CC "The messiah" or master meth cook cause it's EASY MONEEEEY.

    Total Hours played : 72 Hours/ Time played on Dark Rp: 1400 Hours

    Discord: Ressy#6198

    "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."-- Leonardo Da Vinci

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