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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Kuntess

  1. 1 hour ago, The Herbalist said:

    a little birdy told me parcels contain the narcotics grown by players and sold to the drug npcs, and that means parcel selling isn't a legal job but secretly an illegal one allowed by the mayor under the table since he rakes in a cut of the drug sales 👀

    as a respected member of this community, i shall take that into consideration

  2. The thing is, raiding is not the style of some people. You are ruining the experience of people who just want to play without getting fined/arrested every 5 seconds. Your cops literally arrest me while I was trying to tell another cop that "you cant want someone after finding them". They didn't even have a reason. If you check your cops then you'll see most of them use the tiniest bit of wrong to fine/arrest people. Some people doesn't want to PD raid and some people can't due to lack of equipment. My point is that you are "making a good conflict with the citizens vs cops" only for people who have like 100 C4s and stuff. Making the server an absolute heck for casual players and new players. Also it shouldn't be citizens vs cops anyways. Is that how real life works? No. Job of a cop is protect the citizens and making sure they dont revolt. Not overwhelming the citizens and forcing them to revolt

  3. Top in the morning to ya lovely people of titsrp, Kunty here.


    I'm Kunty, I hang out in my public base most of the time, if you ever feel like chatting then feel free to come to Kunty's Krusty Klub ;)


    I joined the server back in January as a joke when me and a couple of friends were looking for servers to troll. We quickly realized that from the amount of jobs, having fun without trolling would be way better so we started playing normally. After a while I joined back to make this server the main server I play in since I'm too lazy to download any other server's files.


    Hope you have a nice day and love ya all ?

  4. Bug



    Description: Closing your inventory during a trade doesn't cancel the trade


    How to reproduce: Trade with someone and close your inventory instead of the trade window. If you do that the trade doesn't actually cancel for you and you won't be able to trade anyone until you disconnect and reconnect. If someone tries to trade you they'll get the "this user is already trading" message


    Priority: Medium

  5. I think selling stuff to the druggie Npc should be easier. Current method which is taking drugs out of your inventory and dragging them to the druggie Npc one by one is extremely slow. Maybe let the druggie NPC take shipments aswell so we can convert like 50 drugs into cash at the same time instead of taking them out of the inventory and using the gravity gun to drag them one by one.

  6. Exploit


    Description: You can prop surf with the gamer hoverboard using your physics gun


    How to reproduce: Take out a "Trash: Gamer hoverboard" out of you inventory and freeze it in the air. Hop on it, hold it with your physics gun, pull, crouch, look forward and start walking forward. It can get you all the way up to the kingdom roof in like 10 seconds and it's acceleration is pretty high too. 


    Priority: Medium

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