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Minop (2)


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Minop (2)

  1. I remember I accidentally unjailed everyone. When I was watching someone (I think loli) being trained. The guy training was like "Yeah dont do a fucking Akumi."


    Haha Akumi xD.... Now it's "Don't do a Slick up"

    I remember I accidentally unjailed everyone. When I was watching someone (I think loli) being trained. The guy training was like "Yeah dont do a fucking Akumi."


    you dumb asf wth


    also btw to be real its so much easier to kill mayor then spend 300 suga


    I once spent 1400 Sugar on spam demoting anyone who became mayor. You can't do this with a gun xD

  2. Description: Demoting Mayor using Sugar will cause you to lose Sugar without the Mayor getting demoted.


    How to reproduce: Start a revolt then demote using Sugar.


    Priority: High(Why? Because people will spend real life money to get sugar, only to find they lost the money they spent to a bug. This can really ruin the day of a kid)

  3. Mav, why do you have -5 points xD



    Im nanights. A friendly player that loves to help others! You will see me on just wondering around or doing wittle raids. If I raid a new player I wont do anything but collect money. Well honestly I do that to new and old players lol. I'm always a calm person but I can become serious when need to be. You wont see me do anything unprofessional. I believen education over punishment so when a sit doesnt go in someone's favor they may be upset towards it. I'f I happen to do something that upsets you please do feel to PM me about it and i'd love to get it sorted <3.


    I am dyslexic so its hard for me to really explain stuff but I try to correct myself and explain as well as I can! but my spelling and reading isnt the best.


    I do hope we all can become friends one day!


    You're a better staff member when you're drunk '3'

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