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Zhong Xina


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Zhong Xina

  1. 34 minutes ago, bone. said:

    He said someone went from 2 mil to 1 bil in 14 days with roulette alone, so take that info as you will. 

    That's the case with any gambling though, some people will make a ridiculous profit but most will lose. Sure, that guy might have made 1 B, but other players probably lost more than that combined from it. There's really no point playing Routlette if the payout for a single number is 12 to 1, you're practically guaranteed to lose money no matter what you do. The house always has a statistical advantage with Roulette, there's no need to rig it further.

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  2. It encourages more use of the bank. Also, think about it from a real life perspective. Would you carry every item to your name on you at all times? Probably not.


    Yeah, it's DarkRP, and nothing but real life, but you have to remember that out of the dozens of slots in your inventory it could take from, chances are it's something worthless. If you keep enough legendary weapons on you to make the odds higher, then that's on you. Use the bank. And if you just so happen to lose the only legendary in your inventory, you should go play the lottery.

  3. Think about it from a real life perspective, are there rules prohibiting people from running for mayor more than once? Yeah, the people might like you for a term or two, but once you inevitably go corrupt, they'll start to hate your bullshit after a while and stop voting for you. Best to just leave something like this alone - after all, it's an election for a reason.


    The PD is given too much credit for supposedly affecting the results of elections/unfun votes. They make up a significantly small proportion of the server, and they're generally newer players who probably don't even know how to unlock their cursors to vote in the first place.

  4. Walter hit the nail in the coffin with this one. If you aren't being scammed out of IRL money or an egregious amount of RP money, then why bother changing the rules? Due diligence goes a long way, and with !trade being a thing, if you fall for a scam you pretty much deserve it in the first place. I can only think of VERY few instances in which you may inadvertently get scammed, like buying base dupes, doors, etc. (anything that can't be traded with !trade). In cases like these, again, a little due diligence goes a long way. Would you trust some random guy who came up to you on the street offering to sell you a brand new iPhone for $10? No. Similarly, would you trust a guy who just joined the server for the first time who offered to sell you a base dupe for $5M? Probably not.


    In the hundreds of hours I have on this server, even though trades involving IRL $$, I have never been scammed. If you get scammed, then you're SOL. We can't babysit everything and turn this server into a safe bubble (as if it isn't enough of one already) where everyone is treated like a kindergartner and kept 100% out of harm's way. Don't be stupid and you won't get scammed.


    Also, it adds plenty of RP value. Let scumbags build themselves a bad reputation. Nobody will trust them and they'll migrate to another server like the vultures they are to scam there instead, leaving you safer.

  5. I’m pretty sure the number of votes needed to unfun a mayor is predetermined and has nothing to do with the number of people who vote no. We’d need clarification from a superadmin but I’m pretty sure the “No” button is just a fancy “X” button to close the window.


    I’m basing this off the fact that it says “X votes were needed,” and I’m pretty sure “no” votes don’t cancel out yes votes.

  6. Judge Gabe was a great idea but poorly executed. Prisoners should have a right to tell their side of the story as soon as possible after getting arrested, and Judge Gabe should make a decision to release them, give them a fine for immediate release, or return them to prison.


    Maybe something like our current mod ticketing system. Players can request a hearing and be teleported and frozen to the court room where they will be given a little time to explain what happened, then give Judge Gabe the power to determine their fate. This might make people play the job a lot more and give it some more functionality other than being a cop with a Gabe Newell model. Gabe should get a little XP for each trial.

  7. Yeah, pretty much the above. I'm sure this was done intentionally. If I were a new player that just got bamboozled by Mr. Bones, and also forced to wait 300 seconds before even being able to kidnap anyone again, I would be pretty pissed and possibly ragequit.

  8. Definitely a huge +1, or at the very least, reduce the range which the piano can be heard. Currently someone can be playing near PD and you can probably hear it by the beach.


    Also, can be make Benny a KOS class already :)

  9. I think a better way would be to have an identifying mark next to players’ names if they are a hitman, similar to [COP].


    People are more incentivized to do something if they get some kind of reward out of it. Both the player who requested the hit and the hitman should get some XP out of a successful hit, and maybe even a little just for placing a hit (with cooldowns, of course). This would make people want to do it more.


    If you just have a centralized NPC, all the hits will go to whoever has the lowest price. It will take away from having to hunt someone down and ruin the system imo.

  10. For those who don't know, DarkRP comes with agendas by default (small permanent text boxes in the upper left corner of the screen) that different groups of jobs have.


    A few ones that I think would be useful on this server:


    Police Agenda (definitely this, as it would end the annoying "WHAT'S THE CODE TO PD?!?!?!" every 10 seconds)

    - Edited by the mayor

    - Viewable by all police


    King's Agenda

    - Edited by the King

    - Viewable by all King's Guards


    Bloods/Crips Agenda

    - Edited by the Leader of each gang

    - Viewable by respective members


    Bank Agenda

    - Edited by the Bank Manager

    - Viewable by all Bank Guards


    While not all of these are that necessary, I definitely think the police should have one as it's the most heavily played class and a lot of miscommunication occurs without it. Mayor would be able to tell his cops what to do and they would have no excuse of not having seen it. Also, maybe duplicate the "darkrp admintell" console command and make a "darkrp tellcop" command which targets only cops. The mayor could use this to alert his cops of something. Obviously a chat command to replicate it would be ideal.

  11. Personally I already hate the fact that hobos are allowed to micspam, but it's the only reason anyone will play hobo anyways.


    If you let everyone with a CC micspam, nobody will play hobo anymore, and I will just end up muting half the people on the server. It's annoying, and should be limited strictly to a VERY select few people on the server.


    I understand your view but I have to go -1 for the sake of my ears, everyone else's ears, and the hobo job.


    The only way I would ever MAYBE support this is an option to buy the right to micspam from the CC editor (like you can to be a hitman), for a REMARKABLY egregious price so that you don't have every person who's spent 20 minutes printer farming running around with satanic earrape coming out of their voice chat.

  12. at one point


    Have I not made it clear that if that's the case, it doesn't work anymore? Or it may have been removed?

    Personally, I remember seeing people banned for it automatically almost daily, over two years ago. Since then I haven't seen it even once, and I have recently banned people who admitted to using a shared account.

    Just because it may have happened to you two years ago doesn't mean it's still working.

  13. This would make things a lot easier. Back when I ran a gmod server many years ago, I had a script (which I recovered) that would automatically ban anyone who tried to avoid their ban by logging in with a shared account. Sure, they could just buy a new copy for $10 but this will weed out a lot of kids who don't have the means to buy new copies of gmod.


    My copy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Onf8SJfgspv8mTqP_dYqa9fXNFMJh0Lz/view?usp=sharing


    All you need to do is unzip the entire thing into the addons folder and add the Steam API key for this server into line 4 of sv_familysharing.lua.


    Alternatively, you can get an official copy from Github at https://github.com/C0nw0nk/Garrys-Mod-Family-Sharing

    The one at my link just has stupid settings like "kick only (no ban)" and "IP ban" disabled. Plus the legacy ban reason that I believe this server had at some point ("Banning x for trying to use a shared account to avoid his ban! u got shrekt"). I remember there being something like this a while back but it must have been removed or been broken since.


    Again, this would prevent a lot of headache.

  14. Just had a 500 second long circle jerk of 20 revolters trying to kill the mayor who was jetpacking in circles around the island. Impossible to land a single shot on him. Defeats the entire purpose of a revolt if it's impossible to shoot the mayor.


    Vehicles as well, the hitbox is practically non-existent when you're in a vehicle. Even if you land a shot, it does 2 damage at best.


    Grapple gun as well.

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