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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Frosti_01

  1. I believe there should be a prop counter added to the server to let people know how much props they've placed and how many more for example 29/50, so you know when you've reached your limit, this would be helpful for when your building a base and u know how much props you have placed for the dupe, so you can know when you've reached your limit and work on another part for a friend to paste down.

  2. In-Game Name:Frosti_01


    In-Game Rank: VIP

    My main focus when playing is:Get a base down or base w/ someone get printers and what not raid and make money or just have fun

    The job I play most is: 1 of 2 of my main ccs

     Total Hours Played on TitsRP(!stats):122

    Discord ID: Frosti_01#0885

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