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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Vermin

  1. I see what I was doing wrong. You need to make sure you press the drop down box and select Default. Thanks.
  2. Bug Description: Button tool is not working. How to reproduce: Try to use the Button Tool. Priority: Medium
  3. Happy Birthday Gazooks! EAT ALL THE CAKE.
  4. I'm gonna have to go ahead and say they should be outlawed as well. (Even though I have made them myself and supported them in another thread.) They provide an unfair advantage. Let's just get rid of them.
  5. People could always do "/job Vermin's Pet" for the name tag situation. Adding your pet to your party would also be something that could be done as well. He never said you couldn't do that; he was saying we should implement a system where it's a visible thing, instead of having to change your rpname. He wants to be able to see who's pet is who's in-game. It's tedious to have to press tab just to see if someone has a pet, or to check the parties to see if they're together. I'm sorry, but if its "tedious" to press a single button or type /party into chat, then you're just plain lazy. Also, I was just giving a suggestion.
  6. People could always do "/job Vermin's Pet" for the name tag situation. Adding your pet to your party would also be something that could be done as well.
  7. lolwut No, we don't need anymore "pet" jobs. They're pointless.
  8. Someone gift me something from my wishlist on Steam ;_;
  9. Everyone is already your friend Vermin. You're too good for this universe. That actually made me feel really good :)
  10. You're pretty neat, Sweg. be my friend pls
  11. I mean, hey, if you have a good strategy and you are technically still raidable, then go for it. Yes, I completely understand where you're coming from, because I will almost never raid anyone with such a complex base. But no rules are being broken, he's just being super strategic.
  12. I'd really like to work in a morgue, dressing bodies for funerals.
  13. Making the cinema actually play videos.
  14. This is exactly why I think we shouldn't have the piano, no one knows how to play it.
  15. I guess it doesn't hurt to try for it. I'm in.
  16. Most of this is taken care of in the rules. !motd
  17. Vermin


    Hey, I'm one of those people thats wants to help, immensely.
  18. I like this idea. We need more unique classes and less copies with different skins. Also, a DJ class could be fun, as long as it's not abused.
  19. I really appreciate that, thank you! (:
  20. Hi there! My name is Vermin (currently), and I've recently began frequenting Titsville. A little about myself: I'm really into horror, especially slashers. I kinda dedicate my whole life to horror, be it music, movies, shows, art, games, comics, and well...everything! I love anime and manga! I'm a god damn weeb, but I try not to flaunt it. I'm not that exciting of a person, but I try to do what I can to make new friends! I'd like to make friends with all the regulars (and the newbies) here at Tits, so if you see me, say hi!
  21. The prop limit as of this current second is 50 for users and 75 for VIP. Once I get on, I am going to lower it to 40 for users and 50 for VIP (I think that's what I said) Reason being is that props can easily crash the server in an abundance and generate a higher CPU usage. I would love for everyone to build what ever their heart desires, I am not for restricting your building but the fact is, the source engine can only hold so much and do so much. This is the reason why a lot of sacrifices have to be made is because its needed to raise the player count. We are a VERY optimized DarkRP server in terms of clientside and serverside performance. If you go on 95% of any other server that has a player limit of 32 - 50 they may be maxing out on their usage and it will cause undesirable gameplay. Which is why we run very basic addons and have restrictions on a lot of tools and ect. It sucks but it's the only way to get things working properly. Unfortunately, we are not SuperiorServers. I am the only one that can do x y and z in terms of helping the server internally and I am also not as smart as them. In time, things will get better / get replaced and ect. I hope you understand where I am coming from. Just think of it like this: would you rather have a prop limit of 40 - 50 with 65+ players running smoothly or would you rather have 50 - 75 props with 50-ish players running smoothly. Also think of this. If every player was a VIP and spawned in their max prop limit, we would have 4,875 props. Making it 50 for VIP is still 3,250. A lot of servers don't even allow a prop limit of 20+ but you're 100% right when you say that building bases and decorating them is a huge part of DarkRP but 40 - 50 is more than an abundance. If you need more, I would just team up with someone so you can double the size of your base. Well, personal opinion, I think we should get a bigger map. think about it this way. At this point if the server is full, and everyone is using all of their props, downtown would probably be full, completely. Over 8,000 props. I'm not saying we should switch to evocity, as you don't want to, but maybe to a bigger downtown. Maybe sewers, or some secret areas? heck, I saw one map where it was downtown, but it had spawn, then the small tunnel into town was replaced with a staircase to an undertown, then it had one part of the map with a giant mansion, that was basically a mega base. The mansion could only be claimed with like 5 people. I just think a bigger map would be cool if we are to increase the player limit. I think a bigger map would be an awesome idea.
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