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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Vebnei

  1. Basic questions:

    • Your in-game name:



    • Your age:


    • Your Discord tag:



    • Have you ever been warned or banned on the server? If yes, what for?
      No, I am an amazing person.


    • What is your region and timezone?
      United States, CDT


    • Will you continue playing on the server while your application is up?
      Of course, as I am a Mod and need to stay on.



    • Do you have a microphone and use it constantly?
      Yes, it is 2019. Who the heck doesn’t? I need to shit talk everyone.


    • Do you understand that abusing and not helping with admin sits will get you demoted?
      Yup, but when I am server owner that will not matter.

     Reasons for applying/information:

    • Why do you want to be a server owner on this server?
      I want to be a server owner for multiple reasons. I would like to be owner because then I would stop getting bullied. I get called a “Stupid Mod” all of the time. If I am Owner I can ban anyone for talking shit just because I can. I also would want to make the server great again.


    • What are some qualities that make you a good server owner?
      I am a very good at being cool. I am such an epic gamer. If people want something on the server and I like it, added.


    • Have you ever been staff on TitsRP before? If demoted, please link the report or explain why you were demoted if there was no report. If resigned, please state the reason.
      Yeah, I am a mod right now.



    • If accepted as a server owner, what could you contribute to the server?
      The first thing I would do is withdraw all of the money out of the paypal. (I’m a broke bitch)


    • Would you like to be trained as a trial owner beforehand or do you think you're ready for full owner? Why?
      I do not need any training. I was born to be server owner df.

     Scenario Questions (Unlimited Liners, minimum 2 lines. Explain what you would do for each question and why): First off, I am going to write how many lines I fucking want to. I own this server after this app gets accepted.

    • Player X claims that player Y is using printers with a building sign up.
      I would TP to player X and ask if this was true. If they say no then I would go on with my day. If they said yes, I would ban them for 1 day.


    • Player X shoots player Y with a stun gun for 1 armor of damage. Player Y kills player X. Player Y makes a sit on Player X for stun gun abusing them.
      I would tell player Y that who the fuck cares and tell them to go to Pd and get armor next time and/or pop a cap in his fucking ass.


    • 3 players report a player for Mass RDMing. You try to bring the player in question but it says "This player has not been found.".
      Welp, shit. I would tell the three players that they are lying and ban all of them for 3 days each for Wasting my time.


    • Player X crossfired player Y in a raid. Player Y makes a sit claiming he RDMed him. How would you investigate to check if it were crossfire?
      I wouldn’t I would tell them to stop crying like a little bitch.


    • Player X calls a sit saying "Admin to me".
      I would ban them for being dumb as fuck.


    • Player X teleports into Player Y's base using !sleep and kills player Y because he is Jigsaw. However, player X starts to blow up player Y's printers. Player Y calls a sit on Player X.
      I would say that Jigsaw can do whatever he wants as long as he doesn’t fuck me up. I am not about to cut my leg off to crawl through broken glass.


    • Player X calls a sit for RDM but it happened before you joined the server. You claimed the sit. How do you handle this?
      Tell player X to fuck off and talk to someone who cares.

     Expert Questions (Unlimited Liners, minimum 2 lines. Try to answer these questions to the best of your ability, the only thing that will hurt your chances in this application would be to leave them empty; Explain what you would do for each question and why): I just told you I am going to do whatever the fuck I want. Do not waste my damn time pussies.


    • Somebody dies in a raid. They come back and stand on the sidewalk outside their base and get killed again by the raider. They call a sit for RDM.
      I would tell them to stop being a whiny little bitch because they got raided. If they talk back I would ban them for being a pussy.


    • Somebody dies in a raid. They come back to their base at exactly the 10-minute mark and get killed by the person who was raiding. They call a sit for RDM.
      I would tell the person who was raiding that they need to fucking learn how to count. I would then jail his ass and tell him to think about what his dumbass did.


    • You are in a sit and decide to give somebody a verbal warning for an accidental RDM. The offended user calls you a bad staff member and says that you need to ban them for 3 days.
      I would say who the fuck asked you? I would than grab the players IP and do a quick NMAP scan and scan for vulnerabilities. I would then hack into his dad’s laptop and upload a lot of illegal porn. I would then message him saying “Who’s a bad man now pussy?”


    • Somebody calls a sit complaining that a user FDA'd during a raid. What do you do?
      Tell them that I really couldn’t fucking care less and tell them that they need to shut the fuck up.

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  2. hecko, so I know I am a new and not alot of people know who I am. If you would like to read a little about me here is that post https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=12880 Anyway, so I have recently gotten news about one of my friends that I lost to Suicide. I know we all like to joke over and over about this, but it really is a serious thing. Most people you cannot even tell that someone is going through depression. I would just like to say though that if there is anyone who has depression/anxiety/ or just want to you can talk to me. Just PM me on discord (Vebnei#5862) I know it is hard to talk to even the people who you love. I know I am a random person online but it could still possibly help to just talk to someone. If it helps you could even make a new account and talk to me through there. If you wanna talk about your problems or just simply want to talk. I will try my best to be here for anyone. I just want everyone to know that you are not alone. I love you all.



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  3. It's yo boy Big Booty here and here is a proper introduction. I started to play TitsRP somewhere around beginning of Summer of 2018. I have accumulated over 1,400 hours on the server due to the server being extremely fun for me. Before I signed up for staff, others started to call me Ed (From my discord name) and other nicknames. Yes, my nickname is Ed but my real name shall be a secret. I am seventeen years old so don't hmu and catch a case if you're over eighteen years old. Most importantly, a Big Ass is better than Big Tits and it shall remain that way. If you have any questions about me then feel free to comment down.









    haha poopy 

    haha stinky


    Wow, you have alot of hours for sure. Also, ass really matters that much? What about a girl who makes you happy, you can trust, and just is an all around amazing person? But she still does need a big ass.......... personality

  4. Bruh im studying the same shit as you, CCNA R&S, welcome to the server


    Wow! That's great! Thank you. <3

    Welcome! Glad you're having fun, it really is a diverse community and I like how you see the light side of things, even people being "toxic". Enjoy your stay!


    Thank you, I am very happy to be here. <3

    welcome man!


    Thank you <3

  5. hecko, as you can see my name is Vebnei (V-eh-b-nee). I actually have not played DarkRP or even Garry's mod in years. I used to play on Garnet Gaming back when there was only even 20 slots. I used to play every day about all day long. School had eventually caught up to me so I had stopped playing. I spent about all of my 2k hours on that server and was super known. I had to make a new account because my brother had installed cheats for CSGO so I did not want a VAC on my account. I am a 19 year old gamer who goes to school for Networking and Cyber Security (Yes, so I am a L33T H4X0R). Okay so not really, I just enjoy find the vulnerabilities in things such as websites, apps, servers, and etc.. But I also would like to say in the amount of numerous servers I have played on TitsRP is my favorite. Not only is the server quality so nice so is the community, it is mixed with people who yeah can be "Toxic" but they do it to have fun. Some of them know when to stop and it just makes it just so much better. I have already met some very cool people. In the two days that I have played I not only made good money and had fun but I was gifted VIP, given money, and was taught about the server. So for the people who have helped me I want to give a massive shout out to them for making my experience ever so much better. Incoming, Carelos, FriendlyMxdder, and DamnedOne. Thank you guys for helping me out so much <3




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