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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by ScytheMain

  1. It used to fuck up for me as well. You just gotta click it like 10 times it should ghost your props or just press Z a half dozen times it might work then. It was common for me for a while. But that’s how I got it fixed each time. If that doesn’t work I must ask if you CSS textures.


    yes i css texture. jk yea i hhave css texture

  2. If a prop you used got blacklisted it fucks up the entire dupe, if this is the case go into single player and fix it.


    how am i supposed to know which prop is blacklisted


    It will say while placing down the dupe, like "Blacklisted entity_YoshEsFatCock" or something like that. (Im sorry YoshE lol)


    yea it doesnt say that for me all it says is placing and finished placing

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