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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by DasGooWan

  1. It’s not that simple but I get where you’re coming from. C4 can be shot back out of a base and it’s risky using it in the first place because you have to peak for an extended amount of time to punt or place it. If you use one c4 and try to push into the base the props will fade before another can be used. If the raider were to use c4 back to back they would be exposing themself to be hit and the c4 could just be shot back out. Being able to shoot it was more of a recent nerf where as before it was completely unmovable without grav gunning it. I think c4 is balanced for big dupes but I can see how it is op against small bases that aren’t dupes. I’m not sure what could be done about c4 that would affect its uses on small bases and not big op bases.


    I was not clear enough in my post, but I was talking about the c4 that is thrown and not planted. The players that raided my base were throwing c4 onto my props very quickly. It was not the CSS c4 that terrorists plant, its the one that's from COD.

  2. Before I finished reading this my response was going to be, "just use AdvDupe tool!" until I finished reading the rest & you made a very interesting point about the non-VIPs not being able to use this tool.

    This gives a huge advantage to VIPs over regular users (something we don't necessarily want). I will be forwarding this thread to the other Admins & probably bringing this topic up in the next community meeting so we can discuss some changes.


    In my opinion the C4 explosive could no collide the prop, but maybe only for 20 seconds. because if a bunch of rich people buy c4 they essentially can get into every base and choose to walk in whenever they like. If they are only given a certain window to walk through there is more of a balance so that those who just joined the server have a chance to defend themselves.

  3. I'm not 100% sure how C4 works on this server, but I think that the window in which it no collides/transparents props should be a lot shorter. 


    My base was raided by someone using C4 and it basically made my whole base no-collide and transparent which would not revert back. I had to delete my base because my props stayed transparent for a long time. For those who do not have adv dupe because they are not VIP will have to rebuild their base from scratch because someone with a lot of money bought an overpowered raiding tool. I think the radius in which the c4 no collides/transparents props should be reduced to 1 prop.


    pls fix :)

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