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  1. Oh dear. I think you two have some unsettled tension to solve, you guys should talk it out more so issues like this won't happen again.
  2. Thank you all, I had joined the discord before this.. and it's quite interesting, I've met some people I don't regret meeting even though.. they are a bit chaotic. Hehe.
  3. With best regards, bone, I will be sure to review this epic fairy tale known as "scp 173". I am sure you worked very hard on it. (im gonna turn off annoying orange for you if you write one more bad scp >:C) I'm not an e-girl btw ded.
  4. I'm sure I will enjoy my time here, it's unlike any of those megaservers like garnetgaming and icefuse.
  5. hecko, many of you may not know me as I'm very very new to the server, but you can call me Zero. (like seriously i just joined today). I enjoy playing on gmod and darkrp servers, and I am a sort of "historian" for the SCP genre and its vast amount of games. I recently found this server and saw some videos on it, and it seemed very cool and interesting. As soon as I joined in, the community here I noticed is very welcoming and kind, though there are some.. oddballs to say the least. I got VIP and a custom class spot in one day, which I've been told is pretty hard to acquire. Anyways, I think I plan on staying here in this wonderful server and hope to meet and have interactions with every single one of you.
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