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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by j2o

  1. Getting kidnapped to get thrown into the sewers and all of my weapons stripped so I have to commit suicide. Kidnapping isn't viable, it's stupid and people have begun to abuse it. Hubba Bubba spamming the 6000 speed potions he has on his CC and booping you in the back of the head to throw you across the map isn't a good time. 




    LOL calling out me specifically, that shit's been happening probably LONG before I even joined the server. I've seen you abuse CP so many damn times and that's the reason I throw you across the map, new players do not get kidnapped unless they're playing in a toxic way, such as yourself.

  2. I'm not applying, just wanting to state that the layout of that post is amazing. Love the colors


    appreciate that man!

    Just want to say you guys are VERY well organized and I love it! Lets have some competition! Love you guys!


    Respect brother, we love the competition as well. <3

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  3. In Game Name : Zedward

    Favorite method to make money : Cop / Printers

    What can you bring to the gang? : I arrest people and make bases and all that good shit

    Discord ID : Zedward#5882


    Welcome to the gang brother. :)

  4. Who are the Blips?

    We are a group of friends that enjoy raiding, basing and making tons of money. We are very active players and always party up whenever we're on the server. 


    How were we founded?

    One day on Tits, there we're the maximum amount of Bloods And Crips, all completely agressive towards eachother, while being arrested by the CP without even realizing. Until the Blips was born, both the Bloods and Crips united and created the Purple gang that is known as the Blips to unite against the PD, creating an unbeleivably powerful force. A few real Blips are remaining, and in this gang we reside.


    Current Gang Level : 70


    Our Current Talents ( May Change )

    Level 10 : Masterful Farm

    Level 20 : Junk Launcher

    Level 30 : Quick Sell 

    Level 40 : A Pretty Penny

    Level 50 : Precious Life

    Level 60 : Force Drop

    Level 70 : Extra Bullet


    Who are we looking for?

    We are looking for relaxed, trustworthy, respectful players to join the Blips. Besides the raiding, we are looking to build a good reputation, so please be mature when necessary.

    Your experience in the server isn't an issue as some of us are also newer.


    Fill out this application to apply!

    In Game Name :

    Favorite method to make money :

    What can you bring to the gang? :

    Discord ID :

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