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dumb whore


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by dumb whore

  1. That's exactly how it works already. If you successfully kidnap someone the cannot use kill command.


    but if you choose the "show no mercy way" the suicide limit becomes reduced to 0 and they can kill them selves instantly

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  2. plss make it so when you successfully kidnap someone they cant kill themselves for x amount of time as it is you can only kidnap once every 5 or 10 mins idk which one i forgot but its useless if they just do kill command to get out

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  3. personally i have been kidnapped only a handful of times and do not really mind it with that being said kidnappers are kos after they have someone and can easily be stopped . I do not think that bludgeons should be removed from cc's as people paid for them and welp i am one of them so maybe my opinion is bias . I do however like the idea of batman being able to zip tie kidnappers or cp being notified about a kidnapping i think that would balance things a bit more but i am sure there would still be people who would not like the idea of kidnapping as a whole . p.s forgive me for my spelling and punctuation errors as i was just trying to get my opinion down on the matter at hand

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  4. I was thinking that the coinflip gambling thing would be a nice addition to the server. It would spice things up I think. Also this is my first thread I have made so have mercy on me if its poop quality or if I posted this somewhere I was not supposed to.

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