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Harley McStubbins


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Harley McStubbins

  1. Shouldn't really ask a price for removing a weapon from the cc,pretty sure the whole cc creation(at least the whole pay the fee/add the gun fiesta)is automated so as the option in the suga shop for letting you move a weapon slot,we could really use another one of allowing us to remove the slot or remove the gun with the possibility of re-adding the gun if wanted,could even be a free edit feature(a quality of live improvement call it)in the cc menu to save a hassle,could be useful for new peeps that make cc's too since 90% of them just buy what looks cool and regret it after.

  2. I tested it on other guns with and without the new perk from the leveling system once a normal gun gets to 100% chance it will be always a legendary, you can even go over 100% but I don't see the point there no other rarity above legendary.It was always like this, its a 0.3 chance per barrel added for a legendary wich is 300 for a 100% chance or about 150 with the new level perk.

  3. Description:Enchanting stuff that you couldn't before such as master swords,knifes...etc, is a waste of chems,they won't go above rare quality even with 100% chance of legendary 


    How to reproduce:slap a knife or some shit on the enchanter,get that shit to 100% chance,bam a dogshit rare(master swords become unusable BTW)


    Priority: (High, Medium, Low):medium since its done by choice but if you don't know about it(kinda like me who lost about 400 chem barrels on rares) it will hurt your pocket.

  4. : IRDMx2/LTAP

    Why should you be unwarned/unbanned? : 1. I'll admit, it was one case of intentional RDM, so I'll take the punishment for that, I don't recall intentionally killing anyone else.

    Thats from your recent ban appeal,I'd like to see you follow the rules after joining us. Were trying to keep out rep clean and so should you.

    @"Echo" Accepted 

  5. I build pretty shit for a living ,this would make my life so much easier. Not to say that it opens up so many opportunities for a actual live like rp city.

  6. Batman has currently no counter play other than "just fucking shoot him". I for one raid alone most of the time and its getting frustrating to deal with him.

    -you don't know when he comes

    -you can't pick lock his zip tie

    -you can't escape from it,unless the time runs out

    -not only that it incapacitates you but it also makes it very hard to see FOR SOME REASON


    There are some things that can and should be done about it:

    -gives us at least a small chat warning that hes coming for you(something like how the spawn of heck works)

    -let us pick lock his tie(or if you feel creative give us something like hold e to cut zip tie)

    -if we can move while tied,but can't interact with anything else at least remove the slow or dumb screen effect so we have a chance to shake whoever might still be shooting at you.


    There have been other threads made on this issue and I feel like it should really bring in some change.The job has been around for a good while and it could really use some balancing.



    Thank you for your attention. :heart:

  7. This is an intermittent bug for me with no real rhyme or reason from what I've noticed. Just happens at random times and goes away at random times. I wonder if it has anything to do with like mayor and hacker fucking with the screens at the same time or something.


    Yeah same,I usually just end up using a armor pack because of that.

  8. Ok so let me first start with saying this,new players HATE to base on our server.Now why is that you would ask,well let me summarize a few issues:


    1.The C4

    Now before you start screaming your sweaty proc greedy ass at me,hear me out. C4, as a new player, is something of a boogeyman of a raiding tool,most of em don't know how to counter it(sometimes you can't even) and most of em won't use it because they are too damn expensive for someone who just started.

    The problem with c4 is that is a base wrecker,experienced players already have godlike dupes that give you some kind of advantage but think of that one guy who's basing at cinema with 3 fences that he can't even see trough.This leading to the problem:new players are scared to base(a thing that's at the base of darkrp itself).

    Now, fixes have been already been debated trough discord and I kinda don't wanna talk about it in here since I know some people would really like to go ham at me...so I'l just skip over this one.


    2.The CC's

    Almost all the new player I've seen on recently had some kinds of complaint about the CC's,would it really hurt to at least increase the the time you are allowed to sit on the New guy CC to 48 hours and remove or at least increase the 3 player max cap on it?ALSO we should really put the cc's somewhere higher in the job's tab,some people don't even bother to scroll all the way down,or at least the new guy cc should be boosted somewhere up on the list.


    3.(This is a personal request)The behaviour and the way of picking respected users

    So with the new return of the respected rank,people were hyped and scared at the same time.And i have to ask,how do we pick em,what makes em that respected and do they really deserve it?

    With this in mind,the respected people we pick really gotta have some criteria that are not only time on the server and presence on discord,I feel that they should be mirroring more the staff we pick and we have, and be less toned out regarding toxicity and minge like behaviour. Because from what I have seen as of now,respected were picked out of "knowing the guy"-"trusting the guy" without the problem of thinking that hes actually being respected by the community.

    What am I trying to say is that respected should be picked by actually respect and likely hood not just by "oh hes a og man".


    Please be civil and serious in the comments,don't start a drama riot or I'l just straight up ignore your comment.

  9. Daily Rewards

    I know I'm asking for tons of things (or recommending it) but daily rewards should be tweaked a little too. The daily reward should be slightly buffed in a way where its not all common majority of the time. There should also be a 7 day consistent log in system where if you log in for 7 days straight then you get to choose a mixture between (guaranteed) epics and legends. 


    I love this idea,the daily rewards are shit,even for new players,they are just random commons most of the time that aren't even worth anything,it would be great to have something like rewards getting better for each day you log in,and at the 7 day mark you have a chance to get a epic/legendary or even a t3 crates,heck even a few t2's , it would be great to have a better incentive to come back to the server each day.


    TitsRP has granted us the ability to change our VIP tag by giving us a light blue color when receiving over 100+ reps. I believe you guys should add more colors once receiving over 200 reps or you choose give us the ability to change our VIP tag colors which would be pretty unique. There should be also rewards when receiving a certain amount of reps. It's just dull and boring once reaching over 100 reps over time. I guess you guys can give us a locked/secret cosmetic hat (NPC at fountain) for people who reach a good amount of reps. 


    The idea of a custom color vip tag is great,but pushing even more rewards would encourage rep farming wich is already something a lot of people do.I like to wear my rep with pride,as a accomplishment not something that people spammed on each other for rewards.

  10. So I'm making this introduction to clear out some smoke around me,since some people don't even know who the fuck they are talking to at times.

    My ign. is HarleyKing as you all know and my IRL name is Vologa Mercy,yeah I know...from what my parents told me the name Vologa comes from my great grandfather,a Russian soldier, that's all I know.

    I'm 20 years old and live in the shit show of Los Angeles,California. I was actually born and grew up in Boston till I was 14 years old(that's why I sound like scarface choking on his pills sometimes).

    If it wasn't fucking obvious by now I'm a guy,sometimes I make this stupid girl voice to fuck around with people.

    So now you may ask,how did this mutant found out of tits rp and who tf made him a mod. Well I found out about the server accidentally while looking for one of the old servers I was playing on that was shut down apparently. I joined in and first thing I saw was a fucking flying vape spamming rave music out of his mic(that vape being Jakey05 being a tmod at the time). Seeing that the server wasn't really taking rp that seriously and the potential of just fucking around I decided to stay and see where it get me,2 months later,I'm still here apparently ,still having mad fun,and now having my chance as a moderator I can actually help this community thrive and stay healthy helping in my own way.


    Welp this is what I had to clear out,and my big ass introduction of course. I am here to stay and I'm looking forward to meeting new people and also to getting to know old peeps better as well.


    See ya around.

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