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Cunt Yeastwood


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cunt Yeastwood

  1. Unfortunately this is an issue the smod+ team has discussed before. As it is right now, we havent found a way to properly integrate a system to put notes on players accounts to indicate they've recieved a verbal warning. As it is right now we have to rely on fellow staff members remembering the details of other players. Though largely repeat offenders that would break the rules frequently enough tend to become frequent fliers of ours and get punished pretty quickly afterwards. Though I'll definitely bring this up with the smod+ team!
  2. I liked your mod audit form shitpost better. -1
  3. Yeah nah fuck outta here with that. -1
  4. I've also had this same issue as A Duck described. Just kinda happens sometimes
  5. This is easily one of the dumber ideas I've seen and here's why. You did it boys, CCs can no longer have kidnapping sweps on them. Does this mean rubik has to now go in and hard code the sweps out of already existing CCs? Are the current CCs grandfathered in? If they're being forced off, what's stopping people from stocking up on tranq m9s and using those as a horde?? What's stopping one group piling on cultists and hobos, getting into a party with their gang + friends with THOSE GUYS on CCs, and creating essentially roving death squads anymore than the ones that exist?? Rather than just have a bunch of people simultaneously kidnapping, you're creating a core of kidnappers, and then 3-5 guards that would do nothing but kill anybody and everybody that fucking breathes too close to their kidnappers?? Honestly its easier to manage gunning down several people kidnapping at ones who may be too busy sprinting away to shoot back, than have one to two guys kidnap a few people, and have an essential shield wall around them while they do so. The only worse idea I could think of would be flat out removing kidnapping as a whole. Kidnapping is one of the few ways player/gang retaliations can occur on the server short of just straight out RDM and gun battles littering the streets. Sure, you guys would be metaphorically putting the tupperware container around the wasp nest next to your front door, but now what? Players will have mad tism fits about something this dumb. You either will have to just flat out remove kidnapping all together, or leave it be. Sure as some of you said you could have reskins on CCs, which would be an interesting way to incentivise people basing again for DarkRP cash. Or it could fail tremendously and everybody bitches regardless. -1 on the sheer stupidity of the idea
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